Creative Connection – Celebrate Your Inner Artist!

Sharing Groups

Facilitator: Betty Guadagno

Language: English

Capacity: 97

Saturday, September 21, 2024

1:00 pm EDT

1 hour 30 minutes

Already have an RSVP?

General Session Subscriber Admission (Donation Format) $0.00
General Session Regular Admission (Donation Format) $0.00 Add to Cart

You must have an RSVP to join the event.

Creativity & Spirituality

To celebrate the Fall Equinox and the Spirit of creativity, we at IANDS Groups and Events are offering a FREE EVENT for all those wishing to connect.  Join us for a chance to express your spiritual creativity with us!

To our community members, we are asking you to share your creativity with us!! Music, poetry, storytelling, visual art, photography, oracle readings! ALL creative mediums are welcome!

If you are interested in being a featured presenter/performer, then please reach out to for information and to sign up!

Bring some art supplies and create while we are gathering and show your art at the end of the session!!

This will be like a sharing group. Everyone will be in the room together and enjoying each other’s company.

You do not need to present in order to attend! If you would like to present but feel hesitant to sign up, we will have time for open shares in the last half of the event!

These sharing groups are free to everyone! IANDS Sharing Groups rely on charitable contributions to maintain staffing and administrative support. To continue to bring you a wonderful group experience, we thank you in advance for your kind donations.

