How to Move from Trauma to Mysticism
with Brooke Grove, MA
Many Experiencers profoundly struggle to reintegrate after their return. Moreover, much of this populations plight is made all the more challenging due to histories of trauma, which amplify the challenges to re-embody, particularly in the wake of life-altering aftereffects.
What is trauma and it’s relationship to NDEs? How does trauma impact an experiencers return? How may we alchemize the central nervous system from embodied trauma to a portal to the transcendent?
In this presentation we will explore the dynamic connection between trauma and mysticism via the polyvagal theory of the vagus nerve.
Polyvagal exercises will be explored to anchor in the transformative power of feeling safe, connected and grounded. Additionally, we will investigate how the vagus nerve is vital to our individual Spiritual awakening(s) and the collective evolution of human consciousness.
A poly-trauma and Near-Death experiencer myself, these questions arose as I learned to empower my astute after-effects toward self-healing, empathic alignment, and Spiritual and Energetic hygiene, which has since opened the subtle bodies (Ethers, Spirit, Mind, Body and Emotion) to countless more mystical and/or spiritually-transformative experiences.
By imploring this knowledge, you too may transmute trauma into a neuropathway to the Divine.
About Brooke
Brooke Grove, MA, is a Near-Death Experiencer, Poly-Trauma Survivor/Thriver and Integrative Healer in co-creation with Spirit. A former psychotherapist, Brooke has advanced degrees in Clinical Psychology, Marital and Family Therapy and Clinical Art Therapy, enhanced by numerous post-graduate multi-disciplinary certifications, including, but not limited to, Transpersonal Psychology, Depth Psychology, Neuroscience, Trauma-Sensitive Meditation, Shamanic Energy Medicine and Quantum Fieldwork. Brooke is the mother of two highly-intuitive children, who are her esteemed Wisdom teachers. She maintains a private international healing practice, which integrates multi-modality psychologies with vibrational medicine. Her goal is to explore, transmute, and empower the evolution in human consciousness through gratitude, service, and Light. Brooke speaks candidly about NDEs, aftereffects, reintegration and her own decades-long recovery from complex-PTSD. She will be both a panelist and a moderator at this year’s IANDS conference. Please visit: