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All Upcoming Events and Groups

Brian Smith
Life Beyond Death: What Experience, Philosophy, and Science Reveal
Brian challenges common misconceptions about death and grief, offering a new framework to help you move beyond fear and pain. Drawing from personal experiences,...
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Groups Logos (1)
Sunday AM Sharing Group
IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one's spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share,...
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Military/Veteran Experiences Group
Join this EXCLUSIVE IANDS online sharing event for active or veteran military service members. Facilitated by Venus-Val Hammack. Second Sundays Monthly,...
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Groups Logos (1)
Sunday PM Sharing Group
IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one's spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share,...
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Interfaith Clergy Group
A free sharing group for clergy of all faiths to share about their experiences regarding near-death and related experiences and counseling those who have...
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Clergy Reflections on Spiritually Transformative Experiences
As a priest for 28 years, Stephanie Bradbury has counseled more than a few parishioners who have had Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs) and/or...
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Groups Logos (1)
Thursday Sharing Group
Our sharing groups are not just for near-death experiencers. They are a safe place to talk and share openly about one's near-death experience, spiritually...
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Distressing Experiences Group
The “Distressing NDE Sharing Group” is for those who may have had a dark, hellish, or otherwise uncomfortable NDE. This group is a safe place to openly...
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A Course in Choices: Beginners
In this interactive, learning Webinar, Donna uses a PowerPoint presentation that was downloaded to her from her guides, to teach you about the types of...
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Groups Logos (1)
Sunday AM Sharing Group
IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one's spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share,...
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Groups Logos (1)
Sunday PM Sharing Group
IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one's spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share,...
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Childhood Experiencer Sharing Group
This is a sharing group for adults who have had a near-death or similar experience(s) when they were a child (ages 0-18).  The group will offer a safe...
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Groups Logos (1)
Thursday Sharing Group
Our sharing groups are not just for near-death experiencers. They are a safe place to talk and share openly about one's near-death experience, spiritually...
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Living Beyond the Veil: Technology & Practices w/Dr. K Narayan ~Presented by Durham IANDS
In this talk, Dr. Narayan will share his journey and what living beyond the Veil feels like. You will learn the purpose of the Veil and how spiritual practices...
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Modern Dark Sci-fi Instagram Post
What Does The Future Hold?
Discover what lies ahead in "What Does Our Future Hold?", a thought-provoking webinar featuring psychic and spiritual advisor Gary Wimmer and community...
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Groups Logos (1)
Sunday AM Sharing Group
IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one's spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share,...
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OPEN Spirituality Group
This is a safe space for respectful open discussion of whatever Spirituality means to you. Open Spirituality has zero dogma or doctrine. It's about a personal...
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Groups Logos (1)
Sunday PM Sharing Group
IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one's spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share,...
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Groups Logos (1)
Thursday Sharing Group
Our sharing groups are not just for near-death experiencers. They are a safe place to talk and share openly about one's near-death experience, spiritually...
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IANDS Healthcare Professionals Group
The group will primarily focus on the near-death experience, and/or other related spiritually transformative experiences, and include those who are practicing...
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Near-Death Experience in Ancient Civilizations: The Origins of the World's Afterlife Beliefs
Drawing on anthropology, psychology, and philosophy, Dr. Shushan explores how each civilization interpreted NDEs and how afterlife beliefs develop over...
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Jewish Experience Group
Are you Jewish and wonder how or if your NDE or other Spiritually Transformative Experience aligns with your faith? Are you struggling to integrate your...
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Christian Clergy Group (private)
A group for Christian clergy and Christian chaplains, certified by their professional association, who are interested in near-death and other mystical...
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UAP/NHI/NDE Sharing Group
This group is a safe space to share, learn, and explore the transformative experience of encountering galactic beings. IANDS groups are a safe place to...
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Groups Logos
Interfaith Clergy Group
A free sharing group for clergy of all faiths to share about their experiences regarding near-death and related experiences and counseling those who have...
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Distressing Experiences Group
The “Distressing NDE Sharing Group” is for those who may have had a dark, hellish, or otherwise uncomfortable NDE. This group is a safe place to openly...
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community post - 1
Why Are NDEs So Different Yet So Alike? Understanding The Tower of Babel Syndrome and The Perception of the Spiritual Realm
AJ Parr explores his “Tower of Babel Theory,” developed to explain the paradox of why near-death experiences are so different yet so alike, integrating...
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Childhood Experiencer Sharing Group
This is a sharing group for adults who have had a near-death or similar experience(s) when they were a child (ages 0-18).  The group will offer a safe...
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OPEN Spirituality Group
This is a safe space for respectful open discussion of whatever Spirituality means to you. Open Spirituality has zero dogma or doctrine. It's about a personal...
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IANDS Healthcare Professionals Group
The group will primarily focus on the near-death experience, and/or other related spiritually transformative experiences, and include those who are practicing...
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A Greater Reality
Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non- Human Intelligence
The researchers, Ph.D. academics, and Medical Doctors of the CCRI organization propose two major hypotheses: 1)    That Consciousness, our Greater Multidimensional...
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Science of the Soul
Dr. Alexander is a globally renowned academic neurosurgeon who also benefited from a life-changing near-death experience in 2008 due to severe bacterial...
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