Shared Death Experiences: What Healthcare Providers—And Everyone—Need To Know
What You Will Learn
This is a self-paced online course.
Language: English
Welcome to our Shared Death Experiences: What Healthcare Providers—And Everyone—Need To Know course. This course is an opportunity to expand and sharpen your understanding of, and ability to respond to, patients, coworkers, friends, and family who are experiencers of the spiritually transformative.
Engaging video lectures include:
-Learn the history and typology of End-of-Life Experiences (ELEs) and Shared Death Experiences (SDEs)
-William Peters guides you through the transformative case study of Sarah Friederich
-Multiple SDErs share their experiences
-Hear from medical healthcare providers, including Jeff O’Driscoll, Colleen Cove, and Nancy Philpott
-Explore the spiritual/religious implications healthcare providers face
-Receive recommendations for healthcare providers
Who should take this course:
-Physicians, nurses and medical professionals
-Counselors, psychologists and social workers
-Hospice professionals in all disciplines
-Theologians and religious scholars
-Bereaved individuals and caregivers
-Anyone working with or sincerely interested in spiritually transformative experiences
Course Instructions
This is a self-paced eLearning course. You may watch the content at your convenience. There will not be any live interaction. We recommend setting time aside to learn by setting a schedule on your calendar. Watch each presentation and attend closely to the information presented.
Each course section gives you access to the full-length video. Additionally, the course content has been divided into shorter, bite-sized lectures that are organized into a playlist. You can choose which presentation format you prefer.
If you have questions for the presenters, please email______________
If you have questions or technical trouble, please email us at isgosupport@iands.org.
Continuing Education
To receive CE credit upon completion of the course, contact______________________ . IANDS will provide you with the computer links to:
-Multiple choice items covering the content.
-An evaluation of the course.
You will have two weeks to complete the items and evaluation. Within one week of your completion of the items and evaluation, the course or CE provider will email you a PDF certificate as an attachment that you will be able to save and/or print.
Professional categories:
Counselors: Receive up to 6.0 Continuing Education Hours (CE) in Wellness and Prevention. The Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) has been approved by NBCC as a continuing education provider, ACEP No. 1010. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC are clearly identified. ASERVIC is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. For more information about ASERVIC webinars and CE hours, visit www.aservic.org or contact president Dr. Hannah Bayne at president@aservic.org.
Nurses: This activity has been approved for 6.0 contact hours. This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Emergency Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Nurses can earn CNE through April, 2025, by watching the Symposium and completing the Program Evaluation. Details are at the end of the last Symposium recording.
Social Workers: This program is approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886851476-4603) for 6 continuing education contact hours. (New Jersey, New York, and West Virginia Boards do not recognize the NASW continuing education approval.)
Other Professionals (including ACPE Certified Pastoral Educators, APC Certified Chaplains, and ACISTE Certified Professionals): IANDS will issue a Certificate of Completion for up to 6.0 hours of participation that you may use for continuing education. Contact your licensing and/or certifying entity(s) prior to Symposium registration to determine whether the entity will accept such a Certificate for continuing education
Presenters And Our Moderator
Stephanie Bradbury, MDiv, ordained priest in the Episcopal Church since 1997, has attended many deathbeds and conducted many funerals. A few of her parishioners—in addition to a friend—have shared their SDEs with her. She also has identified SDEs and related experiences in the Bible, such as those of Stephen and Jesus. She has observed the healing benefits of SDEs among those who are grieving. https://revstephaniecbradbury.substack.com
Colleen Cove, BSN, RN, CDP, CADDCT, is a Death Doula who has worked bedside for 40 years with people in end-stage dementia. She has witnessed many transpersonal end-of-life experiences and advocates for best practices in working with patients with SDEs.
Janice Miner Holden, EdD, LPC-S, ACMHP, retired from the University of North Texas in 2019 as Professor Emerita after 31 years on the Counseling Program faculty. Her primary research focus was and is counseling implications of near-death and related experiences—topics on which she has numerous professional publications and presentations. She remains professionally active, including as journal editor for, and president of, IANDS. www.janholden.com
David Maginley, MDiv, CSCP, is a four-time cancer survivor; near-death experiencer; 25-year chaplain in cancer, palliative, and intensive care; multiple book author; and featured expert in two documentaries. Based on this extensive experience with life, suffering, grief, and death, he can speak with authority—and from the heart—on the role of SDEs and related experiences in the wellbeing of dying people and their loved ones and caregivers. www. davidmaginley.com
Jeff O’Driscoll, MD, is an emergency physician, inventor, writer, and public speaker. With over 25 years of clinical, administrative, and research experience in emergency medicine, he also has extensive personal and professional experience in numerous end-of-life transpersonal experiences, including SDEs. www.jeffodriscoll.com
William Peters, MA, MEd, LMFT, ACMHP, is a leading authority on SDEs. As a former hospice professional, founder of the Shared Crossing Project, and director of the SCP Research Initiative, he has interviewed more than 100 SDErs, and his innovative work has been published in leading academic journals and featured in media outlets. As a psychotherapist he specializes in end-of-life counseling as a means toward psycho-spiritual growth. www.WilliamPeters.info or www.SharedCrossing.com.
Nancy Philpott, MSHP, RN, LVN, has been a practicing healthcare professional for over 40 years. In addition to her personal experience of three SDEs with family members, she has learned extensively about SDEs as a Shared Crossing Project intern. A current professional focus is to educate healthcare professionals about the transformative impact of SDEs on end-of-life care for everyone involved. www.compassionatecareproject.com
Monica Williams, MD, is an award-winning author, international speaker, and board-certified emergency physician with expertise in death and dying and advanced planning. Among her extensive professional experience is two decades of practice in a level-one trauma center and published articles on end-of-life care in major medical journals. Her writing, speaking, and advocacy focuses on advanced planning, empowering patients and families in critical and end-of-life decision-making, and advocating for holistic support for the dying and their loved ones.
…and these SDErs:
Course Content
Table of Contents
History and Typology of End-of-Life Experiences (ELEs) and Shared Death Experiences (SDEs)
History and Typology
Transformative Case Study and SDE Adepts: Multiple SDErs

Shared Death Experiencer's Interactions with Healthcare Providers

Medical Healthcare Providers

Spiritual/religious Healthcare Providers

Recommendations for Healthcare Providers

Apply for Ce Credit
Please fill out the form below completely and submit it as soon as possible. Indicate which profession you are applying for in the Message field (Counselor, Nurse, Social Worker, or Other Professionals (including ACPE Certified Pastoral Educators, APC Certified Chaplains, and ACISTE Certified Professionals.)
We will contact you with the computer links to the multiple choice items covering the course content and the evaluation. You will have two weeks to complete the items and evaluation. Within one week of your completion of the items and evaluation, the course or CE provider will email you a PDF Certificate as an attachment that you will be able to save and/ or print.