This group is a safe space to share, learn, and explore the transformative experience of encountering galactic beings. IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one’s spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share, learn, and grow with us. Everyone is welcome!
Share, discover, and explore the connection between spiritually transformative experiences like NDEs, encountering NHI – non-human intelligence, and UAP sightings.
This sharing group is for everyone interested in the overlap between spirituality, NDEs, STEs, and UAP/NHI experiences. It is a safe space where like-minded people can share their experiences and explore these connections. It’s time to acknowledge this subject and bring it out of the shadows so more people can speak freely about it.
Just as NDEs come with a variety of aftereffects, UAP/NHI experiences are also accompanied by similar aftereffects like heightened awareness of the unity of all life, greater compassion for all beings, and an increased interest in metaphysics and spirituality.
Over time many people have noticed similarities between NHI/UAP experiences and NDEs and STEs. Similar to NDEs, NHI/UAP experiences tend to transform people’s worldviews. It causes experiencers to reexamine their beliefs and the nature of existence itself. As with NDEs, some experiencers develop an intense interest in areas like quantum mechanics, sacred geometry, and/or science in general.
As with the major shifts brought about by advances in human understanding like the invention of the telescope or the discovery that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, an NDE or NHI experience can transform almost everything about a person’s belief systems.
More and more NDErs are reporting NIH/UAP encounters. Some of them even report seeing past lifetimes as an NHI on other worlds. Emmanuel Swedenborg, the scientist who had a spiritual awakening in the mid-1700s, wrote extensively about his spiritual experiences. His descriptions closely resemble modern-day reports of NDEs. Swedenborg also wrote about meeting NHI beings from other worlds.
For decades, critical information about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) has been concealed by the U.S. government and aerospace defense contractors. Unlike the now outdated term ‘UFO’, UAP encompasses unidentified aerial, underwater, and spaceborne objects, reflecting a more comprehensive and scientifically rigorous approach to the phenomenon.
Now, humanity stands at the threshold of an unprecedented revelation. Recently enacted legislation has mandated the disclosure of long-hidden evidence confirming the possession of advanced craft of non-human origin, along with biological material that does not belong to any known Earth-based species.
The implications of disclosure are occurring. The evidence retrieved from these vehicles demonstrates that we are not alone in the universe. Furthermore, it confirms the presence of Non-Human Intelligences (NHI)—a term that replaces “extraterrestrial” to acknowledge the possibility that these intelligences may not be solely from distant planets but could also involve interdimensional, ultraterrestrial, or other unknown origins.
As we enter this new era of awareness, it is important to approach these revelations with wisdom, curiosity, and a spirit of unity. Our relationship with NHI offers opportunities to foster peace among ourselves and act as responsible stewards of our planet. We can only prepare to engage with the larger galactic civilizations now being officially acknowledged through cooperation and collective understanding.
To navigate this paradigm shift, we’re encouraged to:
- Gain deeper insight into UAP technologies by exploring the empirically observed influence of consciousness on physical reality.
- Tap into our intuitive and extrasensory capacities to enhance our ability to perceive and communicate with NHI.
- Expand our understanding through the latest advances in cosmology, quantum physics, and human bioenergetics related to UAP phenomena.
This time in history invites us to step forward with scientific rigor and an open mind, embracing the reality of a vastly interconnected cosmos.
Just as NDEs come with a variety of aftereffects, NHI and UAP experiences are also accompanied by similar aftereffects such as heightened awareness of the unity of all life and increased compassion for all beings.
This is a sharing group that welcomes everyone.
This group is free like all of the IANDS sharing groups. IANDS relies upon your generous donations to provide these groups. Please consider donating.
Co-Facilitators: Catherine Chapey and Daniel Endy
Daniel Endy 
Daniel has been a spiritual student, seeker, and experiencer since he found the book “Seth Speaks” when he was 14. He has a balance of left and right brain interests ranging from engineering and physics to spirituality, philosophy, and metaphysics. He researched and studied extensively and in 2010, had an awakening and since then he has led monthly classes to share what he learned to help others live better lives. He is a hypnotherapist and does past life regressions, as well as personal coaching. Daniel has been researching UAPs/UFOs and NHIs/ETs for several decades. He has attended MUFON meetings and has been a part of CE-5 gatherings.
Catherine Chapey 
Rev. Catherine Chapey is an Ordained inter-spiritual minister, Certified Spiritual Counselor, Spiritualist Medium, Healer, and a Trance Channel for “The Council of Light.” She is also a Certified Hypnotist who specializes in (QHHT) Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, since 2014. Catherine is also a writer, an artist, and a future author.
Catherine has had many different types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs) throughout her lifetime including OBEs, Mystical Experiences, and Spontaneous Kundalini Awakenings where she’s had experiences of Oneness with the Divine and connected with her Spirit Guides and deceased loved ones in Spirit. She has had several Shared Death Experiences with loved ones, and also with her loving fur babies. She has had after-death communications from the spirit world, and experiences with Masters, Guides, and Angels.
Catherine is also a UAP/UFO and NHI/ET Contactee of many different types of Interdimensional Beings and UFOs. They have appeared to her in her consciousness, in her home, in her yard, in dreams, visions, meditations, and in 3D physical reality.
Over the past 17 years, Catherine has documented her Spiritual and Mystical Experiences, Dreams, Visions, Synchronicities, UAP/UFO Encounters, Orb Encounters, and NHI/ET Visitations. They are creative and loving reminders, which often occur with Spiritual Experiences. These Beings of Light and Love have come through in unique, fun, creative, Loving, joy-filled, and very synchronistic ways to show that “They Are Here!” These experiences have been uplifting and Loving, showing her that we are never alone and that we are always supported, guided, and Loved.
Catherine is the host and facilitator of three different Zoom groups for Spiritual Experiencers. Some are posted on YouTube. These groups are held on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm Eastern Time.