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Join an IANDS Online Sharing Group – There is one just for YOU!

Join an IANDS Online Sharing Group – There is one just for YOU!

IANDS Sharing Groups Online is a safe place to learn and share about near-death and related experiences. Even though we are communicating as a video conference, your connections in the group will soon become trusted friends and peers you can share safely and with confidence!

What Type of Courses, Events or Sessions are Available with IANDS Sharing Groups Online (ISGO™)?

IANDS Sharing Groups Online (ISGO™) consists of sharing groups, theme/topic-driven sessions, courses, book clubs, and live events.

Sharing Groups are open meetings where all participants can see and talk with each other. They are managed by a trained facilitator who helps keep the conversation going, while also making sure everyone is invited to speak if they are ready to do so. Anyone can speak and talk about any topic related to near-death. This can be sharing your own experience, talking about a book you’ve read, or posing a question. Open session are available to anyone in the order of signup and may have waiting lists if filled up. Check out our sharing groups.

Theme / topic sessions are  sharing group meetings with a specific theme. As of the writing of this post, we offer Jewish, Christian, Distressing, Military, and Clergy themed groups. Anyone can join that has a sincere interest in learning and discussing near-death information and experiences within the confines of the theme. Check out our theme sessions.

Series/Courses are a group of events presented by an individual partner or partner organization. There is a syllabus that guides the progress of the courses, which all tie back to NDE and related experiences. Each course in the series occurs once per month on the same recurring day and time. Check out our courses.

Book Club occurs once per month and is a smaller meeting event where the participants can interact with the author. Find a book club event.

Live events are single-event offerings with named presenter(s) and possibly live panelists but the audience is in listen-only mode (can include Q&A text submissions). We feature experiencer stories, topics that are important to our community, and fun seasonal events.

In addition, we will be offering exclusive one-time, special events. All of these are available to the public but offered to current ISGO™ subscribers at a discounted rate.

Find an Event

And be sure check out the Videos-on-Demand library featuring recordings of past events plus bonus free videos…