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You are welcome to join us at any meeting!

Service Area

Ljubljana and surrounding areas


Please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to contact this IANDS group.
Mailing address: IANDS Slovenija
Mladinski informacijski centerMirj
e 71000 Ljubljana Slovenia

Regular Meeting Times

Dru?tvo za preu?evanje obsmrtnih do?ivetij

Dobrodo?li na doma?i strani Dru?tva za preu?evanje obsmrtnih do?ivetij. Stran je namenjena vsem, ki se zanimate za obsmrtna do?ivetja, bodisi, da ste sami imeli to ali podobno izku?njo, da poznate nekoga s tem do?ivetjem, da raziskujete ta pojav, se z njim sre?ujete slu?beno, ali pa samo ?elite poglobiti va?e razumevanje ?ivljenja in smrti.

Meeting Location

Other Information

Membership in IANDS Slovenija is open to all who feel connection with association’s activities: to experiencers, their family members and/or friends, scientists, medical personnel, journalists, and the general public.

Contact this group