You are welcome to join us at any meeting!
Long Island NY IANDS – NDE’s, STE’s, UFO’s, ET’s and all kinds of Spiritual Experiences.
As Spiritual Experiencers, we come together on Zoom with the intention of listening, learning, growing, expanding and understanding more about others and our own unique Spiritual Experiences. We meet in a group with others who have also had these kinds of peak human experiences, with those who understand, and with those who are very open to these experiences.
This meeting can be helpful to Spiritual Experiencers in many ways. Being able to hear others and learn that they are not alone. And seeing that there are so many others who have also had many different kinds of Spiritual Experiences. Although each story is unique to each person, there is a common thread that unites us and helps us to heal the feeling of isolation and judgment that many of us have felt. Our Long Island NY IANDS – NDE’s STE’s UFO’s ET’s and all kinds of Spiritual Experiences meetings help to validate, educate and connects the dots to the many different types of Spiritual Experiences that people are having.
Long Island NY IANDS is a group meeting for people who have had or are open to many of the different types of Spiritual Experiences which involve an Expansion of Consciousness. These Spiritually Transformative Experiences or (STE’s) include but are not limited to: NDE’s (Near Death Experiences), OBE’s (Outer Body Experiences), Mystical Experiences, Mediumship Experiences, Channeling Experiences, Dreams of Visitations, Visions, Spirit World Experiences, Shared Death Experiences, Experiences with Spirit Guides, Masters, Angelic Beings, UFO’s, ET’s, and or Orbs, Communication with Spirit Beings, Light Beings, Mystical Meditations, Kundalini Awakenings, Spiritual Awakenings, Dream State Experiences, Christ Consciousness Experiences, Oneness Experiences, Connecting With God.
All are welcome to join and share with each other these Life Changing events that lead us to Spiritual Growth and Understanding, Compassion, Love And Unity, the Knowing that we are never alone that we are so much more than just these bodies, We are infinite Consciousness in a human body. We Are One. I Look Forward to meeting with you and growing with you. Many Blessings,
Rev. Catherine Chapey
Service Area
Long Island NY and surrounding areas for meeting in person.
Also Online Meetings held on Zoom on the third Wednesday of the month at 7PM EST.
See Below to Register for the Zoom meetings:
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To Register for the meetings go to the Zoom Link Below:
Regular Meeting Times
Third Wednesdays of the month at 7:00 EST on Zoom.
To Register Go Here: Then Scroll Down and Sign Up. You will be sent a link to enter the Zoom room
Hi there,
You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Long Island IANDS
When: The 3rd Wednesdays of the month at 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Meeting Location
Online on Zoom