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I’ve been going through an intense spiritual awakening since my grandma passed this year and I discovered NDE’s and IANDS. I went to the virtual conference, attended the reiki course, and it was all so amazing!! Then on that conference Sunday, I felt guided to go to the sharing group. I had been having some experiences that I really wanted and needed to ask someone about. So I gathered up my courage to share my story that morning, and was blown away. The people were all so kind and welcoming, which was so so helpful to this shy girl. And there were a few people who had similar stories to mine and were able to share insight! It was fantastic!!! I left that meeting feeling so free and happy and like I had found my tribe, and was very much looking forward to continuing my connection with you all. Thanks so much!!!
I was just guided to IANDS in March of 2020. Prior to that I wasn’t aware of anywhere to contact for information on NDE studies or experiences, and felt very lost about my own NDEs and loss. Although it took me a couple months to actually get the hang of zoom; I started to attending the ISGO groups. I felt very welcomed and was relieved to hear others who have similar experiences, and others who have different experiences. These groups have been a lifeline and a Godsend to me (No pun intended)… I feel very connected to others in the groups and look forward to seeing them; I love that we can connect with people in all different parts of the world to share our commonality, and sense of being. My positive exchanges with people I’ve met and connected are invaluable to me. I feel and believe that ISGO Sharing Groups have greatly enhanced my spirituality, my curiosity to feel safe and explore my own NDE experiences, and my overall sense of being. These sharing groups have really taken away false beliefs that I was told in the past about NDE existence and inspire me, both creatively and scholastically; as well as socially. I could go one quite a bit – as I’m finding it difficult to keep it brief!!! IANDS/ISGO has greatly impacted my quality of life, and my outlook on life in an amazingly positive way. My hope is that the ISGO Sharing Groups will continue, as I would greatly miss not being a part of them, and I would also miss that overall connectedness and oneness. I’m very grateful to be included in these groups.
Please accept this brief note as testimony of the effectiveness and appreciation of the ISGO “zoom” meetings. They are, for me, a tremendous help and resource. I cannot emphasize enough the positive impact they have had for me. I experienced a life changing STE 16 years ago (as well as several other spiritual experiences). I’ve lost some close relationships due to sharing my experience and as a result, learned very quickly not to talk about these things with anyone. And yet I’ve noticed that not sharing these experiences creates a form of isolation. It causes one to feel disconnected from friends and family. Keeping silent was however the only way to avoid rejection and avoidance. The ISGO meetings have offered me a chance to talk about my experience with others without fear of ridicule. Equally beneficial is learning from others’ experiences and the fellowship I feel in the groups. And my impression of others at these meetings is that it is hugely beneficial for them as well. So please accept my deepest gratitude for offering this platform for people like myself.