No One Dies Alone


No One Dies Alone, in fact, the dying process involves a multitude of deceased loved ones and angels. Join Julie to learn more about the process she called the Twelve Phases of Transition® and find comfort in her experiences.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, medical intuitive, and psychic whose learned skills have helped many families understand the glorious side of the dying process.

This process involves angels, multitudes of deceased family and friends, the spirits of deceased pets, and countless serendipitous (and miraculous) moments that are all part of a prescribed series of events she calls the Twelve Phases of Transition®.

During what is normally an incredibly heart-wrenching time, families almost always experience profound comfort once Julie describes what’s happening from the perspective of the spirit world – including which spirits and deceased pets from the “other side” have come to assist the dying person, what the person needs, and whether they are in pain (when they can’t talk for themselves), and how close they are to actually passing.

The information Julie coveys brings peace at a time that seems filled with anything but peace, and a new way for those left behind to embrace life through what they learn about the experience of death.

About Julie:

Psychic Medium and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitate energetic healings. She can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. Julie can scan animals, access people’s past lives, and she can tell how close to death someone is. Her book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next describes a series of events that involves angels, multitudes of deceased family and friends, the spirits of deceased pets, and countless serendipitous and miraculous moments. Julie’s Angel Messages® books are picture books that have angels answering kids’ tough questions. Each week, Julie scans callers on her ‘Ask Julie Ryan’ show which is heard by millions in over 100 countries throughout the world. Julie is a businesswoman, an inventor, author, podcaster, and a serial entrepreneur. Her surgical device inventions are sold globally and she has founded nine companies in five different industries. Julie’s Psychic and Medical Intuitive skills are learned.






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