Angel Visits, NDE’s and Messages of Light for World Peace


Nadine made an offer to God at age 13, leading to angelic visitations, viewing past lives, and a shared NDE. At age 18 she snuck into heaven and was shown her first profound message from the Light, being 5 meanings of life, for the purpose of showing humanity how to love each other, and live together as one in world peace. She also speaks of her premonitions before her NDE at age 24, plus her enlightening experience there before choosing to return to help others.


Angel Visits, NDE’s and Messages of  Light for World Peace
with Nadine Telishewsky

At age 13 Nadine told God she wanted to either do whatever it takes to become an angel one day, or if it wasn’t possible to at least help his angels in some way. After a few months the beautiful angel visits began with them entering her dreams at night, with everything becoming vivid and cognizant. She’d follow them and astral travel in this realm, to past lives, to a future life to view the state of Mother Earth, and had a shared NDE at age 17. Now that she knew the way, she snuck into heaven at age 18, was able to pass a test an angel gave her, and had a profound experience where she received 5 of the many meanings of life. She was told the purpose was to teach everyone how to love each other, and how to live together as one to attain world peace.

Nadine will also explain 5 premonitions she experienced before her earth-death at age 24, as well as her NDE after being drugged with a date-rape drug which resulted in an overdose and massive heart attack. It was meant to be her ideal exit point to transition, as she’d completed her contract in this lifetime. But she received permission to return to this life from a strong yearning to help others.

Nadine then experienced an extremely difficult time with medical issues, aftereffects, and having no one to relate to about her experiences after being dismissed or criticized. She shut her spiritual life off and stopped speaking of them. After more than 16 years of silence, at the start of 2021, she founds IANDS as the miracle cure for helping her open herself back up to the ethereal, and had a profound spiritual awakening. This resulted in astral travels, communication with angels, Mother Nature and God, and learning many inspirational lessons.

For the first time she’s been called to reveal all her experiences of the light, to offer messages of love, hope, and connection to others. She’s so grateful for the opportunity to present through her new soul home with IANDS.