Bringing Death to Life with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley


Dr. Mary Helen Hensley shares a fascinating account of celestial beings appearing to her father before her birth saying that she was not affected by the German measles that had infected her mother during her pregnancy with Mary Helen. Plus, before there was a test to determine the sex of a fetus as the beings told her father that his “daughter” would be born with special abilities. Thus began the amazing journey that has been Mary Helen’s unique life path including the continual connection with her deceased grandfather that continues to this day. She shares her life transforming near-death experience that carries astounding unique attributes from more traditional NDE narratives.

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Bringing Death To Life
with Dr. Mary Helen Hensley

Mary Helen will give a detailed account of her NDE and its subsequent impact on her life as a healer. You will feel what it was like for her to be self-aware to the point of time seeming to stand still while deciding to exit the body, then observing from above, as her vehicle was t-boned in an intersection by a driver running a red light at a speed estimated to be over 75 mph.

In the current public-magnified focus on death due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Mary Helen’s message is the absolute anecdote for the fear-based response that this crisis produces in a vast number of people. Even beyond this calming perspective communicated by Mary’s experience is an even greater awareness that “all situations are working out fine”; as they are intended to contribute to a heightened awareness that personal consciousness, that is a complete awareness of self, continues. The passage called “death” is thus illuminated as another opportunity to realize the reality of “fear” is the only adversary and it is totally unnecessary, even related to human death.

Especially related to fears raised by most religions and other human dictums of right and wrong, there is a positive message within Mary Helen’s narrative that addresses how “everyone makes it”. This may be the message that will do the most to calm unnecessary uneasiness about living life fully with whatever time we are given.

Each of these subjects is woven together in a delightfully humorous yet informative presentation, allowing each listener to empower themselves with the knowledge that we already are that which we seek.

About Mary

Dr. Mary Helen Hensley has been psychically aware from childhood and shares how she found her life’s purpose by the outcome from having her near-death experience.  In her NDE, she meets her spiritual guardians and she describes how her deceased grandfather guided her to become a chiropractor when she had no significant awareness of that profession.

Now having been licensed and practicing the true course of a healer for nearly two decades, she shares numerous anecdotes for the real spiritual purpose of her “hands-on” healing for her clients.

Mary Helen is also a very prolific author just having completed an audio book to go with nine published books… including Promised by Heaven: A Doctor’s Return from the Afterlife to a Destiny of Love and HealingUnderstanding Is the New Healing: Miraculous Recoveries from Physical and Emotional Trauma; and our theme today… Bringing Death to Life: An Uplifting Exploration of Living, Dying, the Soul Journey and the Afterlife.

Dr. Hensley and her books can be found here: