Electrified with Joy ~ A Shared Death Experience During Passing Of Daughter


Have you ever wondered if…
There are people you are supposed to meet?
There is a soul mate or partner just for you?
You have a purpose or mission?
Things in your life are not a coincidence?
Someone is helping you?
You can sense them but not see them?
Your life was planned out before you got here?
Helpers exist or am I in this game of life all alone?

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IANDS Groups & Events is excited to hear from Tonya Swan once again!

Tonya will be presenting the details of her (shared death experience) with her daughter – a profound experience as they went through the beginning of her daughter’s transition TOGETHER! This profound and unexpected event transformed Tonya in that poignant moment, while deepening her understanding and beliefs about death and transition to the afterlife.

Tonya refers to this experience as “the highest day of my life and a day I shall I’ll never forget as long as I live and after”. It is something Tonya believes we can all share with our loved ones, transforming the death process into something much more than it currently is. As Tonya states, “I believe it could be amazing for many of us and not just a special experience for just one person.”

Tonya’s daughter Reva died of brain cancer in 2013. Tonya and her mother were taking turns staying with her at the end. One morning as Tonya was finishing things at home and preparing to leave in a few hours to relieve her mom (taking a shift) at the nursing facility. Tonya felt Revas presence in the room as she said to Tonya “mom, come NOW, don’t wait!”. Tonya dropped everything and headed to the Nursing facility.

Please join us, as Tonya shares this profound and detailed experience – along with priceless information that came with it.

About Tonya

Tonya has been to the “heaven or spirit world more than 350 times and unlike most people, she didn’t have to die first. Tonya’s passion for the spiritual side of life is reflected in her work over the past 35 years in hypnotherapy, past life, and life between life regression and her life in general.

Tonya is the author of “Heaven and Earth (How It All Works)”, as well as two children’s book series, “The Flower’s Secret and The Hummingbird’s Secret.

All of Tonya’s books are available on Amazon.

