Sisters Face Life-Altering Events Apart & Search Together for Understanding


Sisters who experienced life-altering events spaced years apart were thereby brought together to seek truth about the mysteries of life and death. Terry Larkin died in a car wreck in 1982, having an NDE that set her on an inward journey for understanding. Fourteen years later, Terry’s sister Marj lost Anne, her 19-year-old daughter in another accident. Later standing in the kitchen with her grief, Marj was suddenly consumed by light, an experience that inexplicably transformed her agonizing sadness into joy and peace, sending her on a journey with Terry in search of understanding. Together, they wrote The Light Gap: God’s Amazing Presence in 2016, weaving their two experiences together to form a powerful message.

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Sisters Face Life-Altering Events Apart & Search Together for Understanding
with Terry Larkin and Marj Steiner

Terry Larkin and Marj Steiner are sisters who faced life-altering events spaced years apart and search together for understanding.

Tragedy befell them separately, bringing two sisters together. In 1982, Terry Larkin died in a car wreck and had a life-changing near-death experience, but in those days it seemed safer to process her experience inwardly as she traveled the globe in search of meaning.

Fourteen years later, Terry’s sister Marj Steiner was stricken with grief when she lost her 19-year-old daughter Anne to an accident. Then, one day in her kitchen, Marj unexpectedly found herself consumed by a LIGHT that transformed her agonizing sadness into joy and peace.

Now heartbroken, Terry shared with Marj her journey to understand her NDE and its gift of non-judgmental pure love. Together, they found healing knowledge and an understanding of our body’s amazing power through light, energy, and information. Coincidences occurred as the veil was lifted, and a fire within Marj was ignited to keep learning more and more, while a passion arose within her to pass on all of the insight she has gained… especially that wisdom learned through the eyes of children.

The two sisters’ journeys expanded as they began to help one another. Driven by unexplained events and awe, they shared a common interest in searching for understanding the mysteries of life and death. The collaboration and communication between the two have provided powerful learning about communication with the spirit world, our own Divinity, meditation, healing, and the powerful energy of love though ONENESS with all souls.

Terry and Marj share their journey to become unique individuals who are yet CONNECTED in the web of LOVE with all of humanity. Grief, laughter, light, and love led them to share first through their book The Light Gap: God’s Amazing Presence ~ Our Journey to Understand LIFE Through Light and Near-Death in 2016, and now through mature eyes opened by way of tremendous growth. JOIN US… we have incredible messages meant just for you!