How to Give Birth to Your NDE/STE Book in 7 Easy Steps

AJ Parr and Paul Perry


Facilitator: Debra Ann Kaiser

Date: Saturday, July 27, 2024

Time: 1:00 pm EDT

Language: English

Topics: Learning From Spiritual Experiences, NDE, Sacred Writing, STE

FROM BLANK PAGE TO PUBLISHED AUTHOR: Join best-selling authors AJ Parr and Paul Perry and learn the basic steps to write, prepare, and self-publish your book on Amazon. Don’t miss this chance to discover how to share your story with the world and make your writing dream come true!

Sunday AM Sharing Group

Sharing Groups

Facilitator: Leena Zafary

Date: Sunday, July 28, 2024

Time: 10:00 am EDT

Language: English

Topics: NDE, Open Discussion, Spiritual Experiences, STE

IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one’s spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share, learn, and grow with us. Everyone is welcome!

OPEN Spirituality Group

Theme/Topic Session

Facilitator: DanielEndy

Date: Sunday, July 28, 2024

Time: 1:00 pm EDT

Language: English

Topics: Learning From Spiritual Experiences, NDE, Open Discussion, Open Spirituality, Spiritual Experiences, STE, Trusting Spiritual Guidance

This is a safe space for respectful open discussion of whatever Spirituality means to you. Open Spirituality has zero dogma or doctrine. It’s about a personal relationship with the Divine with zero requirements other than your intent to connect with like-minded people for stimulating conversation. Open Spirituality is a “non-religion.” It’s a place to share spiritual experiences and beliefs without a religious context. Religious contexts like churches, synagogues, mosques, and such are often the only place where people feel comfortable discussing spiritual concepts, but those places often feel artificially constrained once one has had an NDE or an STE. This group is for people who consider themselves spiritual but who may not be comfortable with traditional religions and religious beliefs and practices.

Sunday PM Sharing Group

Sharing Groups

Facilitator: Catherine Chapey

Date: Sunday, July 28, 2024

Time: 8:00 pm EDT

Language: English

Topics: NDE, Open Discussion, Spiritual Experiences, STE

IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one’s spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share, learn, and grow with us. Everyone is welcome!

Thursday Sharing Group

Sharing Groups

Facilitator: VenusVal Tower

Date: Thursday, August 1, 2024

Time: 9:00 pm EDT

Language: English

Topics: NDE, Open Discussion, Spiritual Experiences, STE

Our sharing groups are not just for near-death experiencers. They are a safe place to talk and share openly about one’s near-death experience, spiritually transformative experience, or simply discuss these and similar topics of interest (or simply enjoy listening). Everyone is welcome!

Living In The Now

Leigh Beth Grode


Facilitator: Loreli Drache

Date: Saturday, August 3, 2024

Time: 1:00 pm EDT

Language: English

Topics: Learning From Spiritual Experiences, NDE, Soul Assignment

Let us join together to uncover, discover and discard all that stands in the way of being who we came to earth to be.
We chose to be here now there is much work to be done, but in order to be able we need to clears and reorder our pathways of giving and receiving.
It’s time to live in our clearest and Highest Selves.

Sunday AM Sharing Group

Sharing Groups


Date: Sunday, August 4, 2024

Time: 10:00 am EDT

Language: English

Topics: NDE, Open Discussion, Spiritual Experiences, STE

IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one’s spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share, learn, and grow with us. Everyone is welcome!

Jewish Experience Group

Theme/Topic Session

Facilitator: Stephen Robbins, Rabbi

Date: Sunday, August 4, 2024

Time: 4:00 pm EDT

Language: English

Topics: After Death Communications, Aftereffects, Distressing Near-Death Experiences, Learning From Spiritual Experiences, NDE, Shared Death Experience (SDE), Spiritual Experiences, STE

Are you Jewish and wonder how or if your NDE or other Spiritually Transformative Experience aligns with your faith? Are you struggling to integrate your experience? Come explore these questions with others having similar concerns. While this Sharing Session contains Jewish content, it is open to all who have a desire to join us.

Sunday PM Sharing Group

Sharing Groups


Date: Sunday, August 4, 2024

Time: 8:00 pm EDT

Language: English

Topics: NDE, Open Discussion, Spiritual Experiences, STE

IANDS groups are a safe place to talk and share openly about one’s spiritually transformative experience with like-minded people. We invite you to share, learn, and grow with us. Everyone is welcome!

Christian Clergy Group (private)

Theme/Topic Session

Facilitator: David Maginley

Date: Monday, August 5, 2024

Time: 1:00 pm EDT

Language: English

Topics: Clergy, NDE, Open Discussion, Spiritual Experiences, STE

A group for Christian clergy and Christian chaplains, certified by their professional association, who are interested in near-death and other mystical experiences. This meeting will not be recorded. It will be 90-minutes of pastoral conversation.