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Life Themes and The Truth of Angels

Why is someone so passionate about being a lawyer, another an entrepreneur, or an actor? Why do people suffer from mental health issues or have physical disabilities, while another is a King? These questions reflect the unique life themes and missions each soul chooses before incarnation to facilitate growth, learning, and the fulfillment of a higher purpose. When we die, we do not become angels; angels are distinct beings created by God to serve as messengers and helpers for humanity.

Jodi Robinette chose to be a mental and physical medium for this life incarnation, as it is her life theme. But what is a life theme? This webinar will delve into that topic.

It is explained that we do not reincarnate from each life; instead, it’s called incarceration. It is our choice to come back into life for another soul journey, and we decide which planet in God’s Universe we want to be a part of based on our soul’s progression. This is described as the true meaning of life.

Why do we choose to return to Earth for another journey? The goal is to graduate and become highly advanced in God’s realm. Just as we progress through grades in school to learn life’s lessons, we come back to Earth to learn as much as we can through adversity, in a place where challenges arise daily. Earth is considered the darkest planet in God’s realm, but it offers rapid learning and significant advancement for our souls. The aim is soul progression through eternity, constantly learning and growing for God.

During our incarnations, we receive help from the other side. Who assists us? Spirit guides, loved ones from previous incarnations, and Angels. Yes, angels. The webinar will discuss life themes and angels, inviting attendees to take what resonates and leave the rest behind. The session aims to bring peace and shed light on why we are here and who helps us during our time on Earth.

About Jodi:

Jodi Robinette was born a physical medium and health healer, committed to her role as a mission entity for God. With over 50 years of experience as a medium, she has given hundreds of readings with an impressive 98% accuracy rate. She holds degrees in philosophy and theology, having graduated with top honors from Colorado University. Additionally, she is a Master Reiki healer, Master Reflexologist, and certified in Past Life Regression healing.

Connect with Jodi:


This event will be recorded and available to view on our Videos page 3-5 business days after the live event!