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Dying, Ego, and Transcendence: A Deeper Look

Death is inevitable, but how we approach it makes all the difference. Most people fear the dying process—not only because of physical pain, but because of the deep existential distress that comes with losing control, identity, and meaning. In this powerful webinar, psychospiritual therapist and near-death experiencer David Maginley will guide you through the nature of end-of-life suffering, revealing how the ego resists its own deconstruction and why surrender is the key to peace. You’ll discover how nearing-death awareness offers a profound transpersonal experience—one that opens the door to transformation rather than fear. Whether you’re facing your own mortality, supporting a loved one, working in end-of-life care, or simply curious about your final trip, this talk will change the way you see death and help you prepare for it with wisdom, resilience, and even awe.

Want to know how to die wisely?
Death is inevitable, but how we approach it makes all the difference. Most people fear the dying process—not only because of physical pain, but because of the deep existential distress that comes with losing control, identity, and meaning. In this powerful webinar, psychospiritual therapist and near-death experiencer David Maginley will guide you through the nature of end-of-life suffering, revealing how the ego resists its own deconstruction and why surrender is the key to peace. You’ll discover how nearing-death awareness offers a profound transpersonal experience—one that opens the door to transformation rather than fear. Whether you’re facing your own mortality, supporting a loved one, working in end-of-life care, or simply curious about your final trip, this talk will change the way you see death and help you prepare for it with wisdom, resilience, and even awe.


For over 25 years, David Maginley, M.Div, CSPC, supported those in cancer, palliative and intensive care at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  He is the author of Beyond Surviving: Cancer and Your Spiritual Journey, and his newly released book, Early Exits: Spirituality, Mortality and Meaning in An Age of Medical Assistance In Dying.

David has survived cancer four times, which led to a profound near-death experience and explorations in consciousness and the connection of body, mind and spirit. With degrees in philosophy and as an ordained minister, David has a deep sense of purpose in supporting others in their spiritual journey.  He knows what it’s like to have cancer from both sides of the hospital bed and has a sense of this life from both sides of the veil.
David is a certified specialist with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, a minister with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and a member of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology, the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association, the Atlantic Therapeutic Touch Network, and the International Association for Near-Death Studies.


David now has a private practice, and presents internationally on living with cancer, existential distress, compassion fatigue, grief, bereavement, and spiritually transformative experiences.  He is featured in the documentary series, When You Die, which explores life after death.In addition to being an author, David is an avid photographer.  His writing and images explore themes of mortality, compassion, resilience and hope.

This webinar, with Rev. David Maginley, will cover topics and key points including,

  • The nature of psychospiritual suffering.
  • How existential distress, not physical pain, drives most end-of-life suffering.
  • The ego’s struggle against impermanence and loss of control.
  • Spiritual distress as the inability to find meaning, purpose, or connection.
  • Ego Deconstruction and the Fear of Dying.
  • Surrender as a pathway to peace and transcendence.
  • Implications for individuals, caregivers, and medical professionals.

Learn more about and connect with David Maginley:
Links for books:





This event will be recorded and available to view on our Videos page 3-5 business days after the live event!

Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non- Human Intelligence

The researchers, Ph.D. academics, and Medical Doctors of the CCRI
organization propose two major hypotheses:
1)    That Consciousness, our Greater Multidimensional Reality, is
“Fundamental” and not our perceived physical reality; and
2)   That all of the paranormal Contact Modalities, need to be perceived as ONE
integrated phenomenon under Consciousness, and not as separate and distinct

I am currently the Director of the Consciousness and Contact Research
Institute, or CCRI, an academic research institute comprised of more than 25 Ph.D. academics, medical doctors, and researchers whose mission is to explore the findings of consciousness research and the phenomenology of “paranormal experiences”, what CCRI calls “The Contact Modalities, a term I coined in 2013. The term “Contact Modalities” is defined as “all of the diverse ways that humans are ‘piercing the veil’ of our physical reality and having perceived contact with consciousness-based Higher Forms of Intelligence”, also called “Non-Human Intelligence”. Some examples of the Contact Modalities are Near- Death Experiences (NDEs), Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), Astral Travel Experiences (ATE), and Conscious Aerial Phenomena (CAP-UFOs), (commonly called UFOs or UAPs).

The researchers, Ph.D. academics, and Medical Doctors of the CCRI
organization propose two major hypotheses:
1)    That Consciousness, our Greater Multidimensional Reality, is
“Fundamental” and not our perceived physical reality; and
2)   That all of the paranormal Contact Modalities, need to be perceived as ONE integrated phenomenon under Consciousness, and not as separate and distinct phenomena.

My lecture will involve brief discussions of several of my recent books:
1. “Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-
Human Intelligence”.  Beyond UFOs was the world’s first, and remains, the
only comprehensive worldwide academic statistical research study on UFO
Contact Experiencers.
2. A 6-volume book series (800 pages for each volume) titled “A GREATER
REALITY:  The New Paradigm of Nonlocal Consciousness, the Paranormal
and the Contact Modalities”.

These 6 volumes are co-edited by myself, Dr.Rudy Schild, Dr. Jon Klimo, a retired professor of Philosophy, Dr. MichaelGrosso, retired MD ER Physician, Dr. Joseph Burkes, and Dr. Jeffrey Long, anMD Oncologist and one of the world’s leading researchers on the NDE phenomenon.

Volumes 1 and 2 are theoretical and academic and contain articles by more than 30 Ph.D. academics, professors at medical schools, medical doctors, and lay researchers.  Volumes 3 – 6, also 800 pages each, contain articles written by major “Experiencers” of the Contact Modalities.  Each of these Experiencers has had more than 3 different types of Contact Modalities experiences.

Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez was a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California at Berkeley where he was the recipient of a National Science Foundation Ph.D. Fellowship. He is currently the Director of the Consciousness and Contact Research Institute, or CCRI, an academic research institute comprised of more than 25 Ph.D. academics, medical doctors, and researchers whose mission is to explore the findings of consciousness research and the phenomenology of “paranormal experiences”, what CCRI calls “The Contact Modalities”.

Rey’s first book, published in 2018, is an 820-page academic book, co-edited with a team of retired Ph.D. academics, titled “Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non-Human Intelligence”, which was the world’s first and only comprehensive worldwide academic statistical research study on UFO Contact Experiencers. Over 4,300 individuals from over 125 countries participated in the research study’s 3 surveys. Rey has also published in several peer-reviewed academic journals including the Journal for Scientific Exploration and the Journal of the International Academy of Consciousness.

Rey has recently published 9 new books which are a 6 volume book series (800 pages for each volume) titled “A GREATER REALITY: The New Paradigm of Nonlocal Consciousness, the Paranormal and the Contact Modalities”. Volumes 1 and 2 are theoretical and academic in nature and contain articles by more than 30 Ph.D. academics, professors at medical schools, and medical doctors. Volumes 3 – 6, also 800 pages each, contain articles written by major “Experiencers” of the Contact Modalities”. Each of these Experiencers has had more than 3 different types of Contact Modalities experiences. For example, Dr. Melinda Greer, an MD Pediatrician, has had 2 NDEs, has seen many deceased souls, has seen 14 different UFOs in various forms, has had 3 Big Foot experiences, has had various OBEs, etc. Volumes 3 – 6 contain many similar experiencer written chapters.

Rey has also published a book that introduces the A Greater Reality book series, titled “The Mind of GOD: A Spiritual-Virtual Reality Model of Consciousness & the Contact Modalities”. This book provides the theoretical foundation for the CCRI organization, which are as follows: 1) that Consciousness is Fundamental and not our perceived physical reality, and 2) that all of the paranormal “Contact Modalities” (NDEs, OBEs, UFOs, communication with the deceased, Remote Viewing, Hallucinogenic Journeys, etc.) might be ONE integrated phenomenon under Consciousness.

Finally, Rey has recently published a 360-page book on his personal experiences and a full feature 2-hour documentary, featuring over 25 PhD academics and medical doctors and over 50 Experiencers of the Contact Modalities. Both are titled “A Greater Reality: One Man’s Journey of Discovery”.

CCRI’s website is AGreaterReality.Com and contains free PDF copies of numerous chapters from his 9 books. All of Rey’s books are available in both paperback and E-book format from Amazon Press.

Rey’s email is: Info@AGreaterReality.Com


This event will be recorded and available to view on our Videos page 3-5 business days after the live event!