You are welcome to join us at any meeting!
CT-IANDS is an open, supportive environment for experiencers, seekers, individuals facing terminal illnesses, and their loved ones. We also welcome caregivers, health care professionals, and any others interested in finding out more about NDE’s/OBE’s and the light they shed on death and the afterlife.
Service Area
Farmington, CT and surrounding areas. All are welcome.
Tina Angeli (Experiencer) (860) 653-3612 or Jack Lardis (203) 510-5465c or
Bethany Silver (
Farmington NDE Support Group
Please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to contact this IANDS group.
You have to provide us your email address to be added to the monthly announcement.
Regular Meeting Times
We meet on the 2nd Monday of every month from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
Please use the contact form below to get the most up-to-date information.
The 12-Steps for NDE-Integration is also part of our service. During 2024, you can register via ISGO to attend these monthly meetings, on the fourth Wednesday from 8:30-10pm. Sign up here:
Review shared content and resources for integration here: (skip the Google sign in to Prezi, as it is not necessary to access content.
Meeting Location
Google Meet - See Venue Address
Google Meet
Other Information
We are an affiliated group of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDs).
Our mission is to understand and support people who had experienced Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and those who are interested in spirituality and human consciousness.
We provide a safe environment with open-mindedness to those who are ready to open up their heart for high consciousness.
We are a group for those who have had a near-death experience or a spiritual-transformational experience. Everyone is welcome. Occasionally we have speakers who will give an hour talk on a variety of metaphysical topics.
Meetings are free.
We have a website and YouTube Channel that feature past presenters and their experiences. It also includes a history of our NDE Group and the speakers list books about their NDE Experiences.
Use these links to interact with our group.
Website Facebook YouTube