A Family in Awe of Transitioning Grandmother


Five family members witnessed a shared death experience. Four of these family members talk about this bedside, multiple person SDE experience, exploring some SDE key features: encountering the dying (Sanna’s grandmother) and an elevated spirit being (Sanna saw or felt a being of Light). Plus, Leah was transported within the room by spirit. You don’t want to miss this wonderful family discussion that includes Sanna Festa, Linda Rey, Leah, and Uncle Ed.

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Five family members witnessed a shared death experience. Four of these family members talk about this bedside, multiple person SDE experience, exploring some SDE key features: encountering the dying (Sanna’s grandmother) and an elevated spirit being (Sanna saw or felt a being of Light). Plus, Leah was transported within the room by spirit. You don’t want to miss this wonderful family discussion that includes Sanna Festa, Linda Rey, Leah, and Uncle Ed.

My grandmother, named affectionately by family members as Nanny, transitioned on October 11th, 2022. Several family members had gathered near her bed as she was breathing with a death rattle. She had not eaten in 10 days and was in rough shape. Suddenly, Nanny abruptly sat up and her eyes became illuminated a color of blue we had never seen before. It was absolutely shocking. I quickly ran to get my mother and uncle as it was apparent that something major was happening. When we returned, we noticed that she seemed to be receiving a message from above her. Her upper body seemed to be lifted or elevated, however, I can only recall this because of the angle in which I saw her face. For some reason, I could not remove my gaze from her face, as though I was instructed to not look away. I got an overwhelming sense that we were in the presence of godliness and although I could not see (with my eyes) what Nanny was looking at. I sensed it was a being of Light. It seemed to have a male persona, was very tall, and gleaming a bright light. I saw this not with my physical eyes, but as a telepathic vision in my mind. I could clearly “see” the base of his long robe touching the ground. He seemed to know everything about Nanny, as though he saw her entire life in front of him. He would be best described as “authority personified”. I felt extremely honored to be in his presence. As such, I knelt down in prayer out of respect for both my grandmother’s fate and because I was in the presence of this powerful and otherworldly being. I sensed that he was telepathically commanding her to follow him. I felt him say something akin to “Come with me.”

Even more shocking, the sense of exhilaration and joy we felt as she was dying and leaving to follow him was overwhelming and far more powerful than anything that can be experienced with a human brain. It was like we briefly tapped into a much broader, unifying consciousness – a sensation which is not replicable. No words can possibly do justice to describe the energy we felt. Oddly, I immediately recognized this feeling. It was home. It was so familiar, that it felt more familiar than anything I’ve ever known. I felt more alive than ever before. Moments later, she was gone and her little limp body laid peacefully on the bed.

After the event was over, we realized that at least five members in the room experienced the same, familiar, loving energy that came from the other side. Words can not do justice to describe how we felt that day.

A family gathering to support a dying grandmother turns into an incredibly beautiful transition. This shared death experience was experienced by at least five living family members present at the side of her bed.