Angelic Reality’s Diane Givens NDE Salon: “Why I painted Seven Chakra Angels”


Emmy Award-winning art director Diane Givens, inspired by the Seven Chakra Angels who brought her back to life describes her NDE. She returned with a purpose… to transform her life experience with the Seven Chakra Angels – archetypes reflecting our inner community of self-healing Energy Centers, or chakras – into self-coaching wellness tools for everyone to use anytime – the Energy Attunement Deck and Practice. Discover fresh perceptions, and find positive choices to navigate your life with Joy.

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Diane Givens, founder of Angelic Reality, was born dying, spending her life in and out of hospitals, often in terminal condition. She overcame a lifetime of more than 40 surgeries to become an award winning art director, earning Emmys, Addys, Tellys and a Cleo. At the height of her career she found herself in a familiar place between two worlds, where she met an angel she later came to know as “Joy”. She left the film business, sold her home, moved to a cabin on a lake, and began to paint the angel “Joy”, when six more came to her at once, and onto her canvas – each with a message and it’s own harmonically balanced song. Diane listened, and composed and performed healing music and meditations – on stage, in hospitals and orphanages – sharing the Seven Chakra Angels’ messages. Diane has decades of experience leading Path of Illumination Salons throughout the Americas (which she calls “a gathering of people who love the truth”). Her Sacred Journeys with Shamans have taken her to Machu Picchu, Tikal, the tops of Alaskan glaciers, and to crop circles in the UK. She has performed Energy Attunement Salons and recorded with world-class musicians and modern mystics. Along her journey she evolved the Energy Attunement Deck and Practice that gives everyone the tools she uses to find fresh perceptions, make positive choices, and navigate life with Joy. Each of the deck’s 49 cards features one of her original paintings. Diane’s husband Guy Kramer calls the Seven Chakra Angels “our Board of Directors”. Currently they’re building an app to share the Energy Attunement Deck and Practice online with everyone.

Emmy Award-winning art director and founder of Angelic Reality, Diane Givens shares why she paints angels. In this NDE Salon she will tell how she met Seven Chakra Angels who put her back in her body, chakra by chakra, and how they guide her spiritual journey with a purpose she felt was a gift from an angel she met named “Joy”. This salon will introduce Diane’s simple self-coaching wellness tools – the Energy Attunement Deck, Mystic Tapestry, and Practice – and how they help us discover fresh perceptions, and make positive choices to navigate life. Diane will invite you to join her in an Energy Attunement Practice, to flex your intuitive muscles, and become “your own oracle.” “Take a refreshing deep breath. Draw a card. Move your energy. And shift your perception to make positive choices. Tune yourself like the joyful instrument you really are.”

You can learn more about Diane at

Greetings!  My name is Greg Thompson and I am the group leader for the Portland IANDS Chapter, the group presenting this event.  I personally have had several near-death experiences and one shared death experience. In addition, I have had guidance to help me on my intended path in this life. I have helped people through rough times with grief, providing comfort and aid to people all around the world with the help of my guides.

I have written a book about my experiences entitled ‘Living with My Spirit Guides’.

I am excited about working with the members and friends of Portland IANDS. Talking and working with people of similar interest in an area that was for a long time ridiculed is a breath of fresh air. Everyone has a different and valuable perspective on the world and deserves to be able to share their experiences and thoughts in a safe environment. I believe IANDS provides that space.