Creating the Life You Envision Series Introduction with Mark Pitstick (Series Part 1)


  1. Much scientific and clinical evidence now clearly shows that life continues after bodily death in the greater reality – the totality of life that isn’t perceived by human senses.  How might this great news, eleven related benefits, and the L.I.V.E.S. formula affect the way you live and treat others and our planet This series can help you learn, evolve, better serve others, and enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned!


Much scientific and clinical evidence now clearly shows that life continues after bodily death in the greater reality –  the totality of life that isn’t perceived by human senses.  How might this great news, eleven related benefits, and the L.I.V.E.S. formula affect the way you live and treat others and our planet?

This series can help you learn, evolve, better serve others, and enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned!  (Note: sessions #2 – 10 involve deep relaxation and visual imagery for 45 minutes of the presentation.  You should NOT listen to this session while driving or otherwise needing to focus.)

  1. Introduction to the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living (recorded 8/29/20)
  2. Life Review session: How Would Yours Be If You Passed On Today?
  3. Identify and Fulfill Your Purpose session: Enjoy More Meaning and Joy In Your Life
  4. Ask Your Soul session: Access Your Inner Wisdom About How to Best Live Now
  5. Heal and Transform Your Suffering session: Transmute Your Pain Into Blessings
  6. Holistic Breathing session: Release Old Wounds, Limiting Beliefs, and Needless Fears
  7. Past Life Regressions session: Explore Other Times and Places for a Better Now
  8. Pre-Birth Planning session: Did You REALLY Choose All This?
  9. Facilitated ADC session: Increase Your Perception of Beloved ‘Departed’ People and Pets
  10. 10. A.R.T. session: Appreciate, Realize, and Transform Every Part of Your Life



Create the Life You Envision Series Introduction
with Mark Pitstick, MA, DC

  1. Much scientific and clinical evidence now clearly shows that life continues after bodily death in the greater reality – the totality of life that isn’t perceived by human senses.  How might this great news, eleven related benefits, and the L.I.V.E.S. formula affect the way you live and treat others and our planet This series can help you learn, evolve, better serve others, and enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned!  (Note: sessions #2 – 10 involve deep relaxation and visual imagery for 45 minutes of the presentation.  You should NOT listen to these sessions while driving or otherwise needing to focus.)  
    1. Introduction to the SoulPhone Project and Greater Reality Living (recorded 8/29/20)
    2. Life Review session: How Would Yours Be If You Passed On Today?
    3. Identify and Fulfill Your Purpose session: Enjoy More Meaning and Joy In Your Life
    4. Ask Your Soul session: Access Your Inner Wisdom About How to Best Live Now
    5. Heal and Transform Your Suffering session: Transmute Your Pain Into Blessings
    6. Holistic Breathing session: Release Old Wounds, Limiting Beliefs, and Needless Fears
    7. Past Life Regressions session: Explore Other Times and Places for a Better Now
    8. Pre-Birth Planning session: Did You REALLY Choose All This?
    9. Facilitated ADC session: Increase Your Perception of Beloved ‘Departed’ People and Pets
    10. A.R.T. session: Appreciate, Realize, and Transform Every Part of Your Life

    The greater reality is all that actually existsThe vast majority of it cannot be perceived by your five senses, but is nonetheless very real.  It is a scientific fact that your senses, as amazing as they are, detect much less than one percent of all that is.

    Because so much of reality escapes the senses, you likely have viewed life as though through a tiny pinhole and then wondered why things don’t make sense.  Many benefits accompany deeply knowing the contemporary evidence about the nature of reality AND the great news that accompanies that knowledge.

    University-based, controlled, replicated, and multicentered research reported in peer-reviewed scientific journals has now definitively demonstrated scientifically that life continues after bodily death.

    Please take a moment and let that great news settle in. This transformative news for many people and our planet will be officially announced in early 2021 after completion of multicenter studies at six universities and institutes, release of The SoulPhone Experiments book, and publication of a seminal paper by Gary E. Schwartz PhD in a prestigious scientific journal.  To learn more, visit SoulPhone Update.

    What is the great news from knowing the scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence that life continues after bodily death?  That you and everyone else…

    • continue living after bodily death.
    • are an integral part of Source Energy / the Light now.
    • receive assistance and guidance from sources variously described as angels, guides, master teachers, and higher energies.
    • can have many different and, perhaps, simultaneous life experiences.
    • create how heavenly/hellish your life feels by your predominant thoughts, words and deeds.
    • are interconnected with other people, animals, nature, and all of life.
    • have special purposes for experiencing being on this planet at this time.
    • can quite probably use SoulPhone devices in the near future to communicate with dear ones who changed worlds.
    • will likely enjoy webinars and classes from postmaterial luminaries who want to help us heal ourselves and our planet.

    None of the above is apparent when you rely on just your five senses.  But all of the above can assist having a more joyful, peaceful, and meaningful human experience.  That’s why it’s so important to learn more about the greater reality, deeply internalize this great news, and demonstrate it in every aspect of your life.

    The term greater reality living describes how you might choose to live as you expand your awareness about how vast, safe, meaningful, and magnificent life really is.  How will you live and treat others when you really know the afterlife evidence and great news above?

    We pose this question because we do not pretend to know what this will mean for you.  All people are unique and have special reasons for being just as you are in this exact moment in space / time.  Greater Reality Living – written by Drs. Schwartz and Pitstick – can help you formulate your best answers to this question.  The Big Picture of Life – co-authored by them and Katta Mapes MA, MEd – is a version of Greater Reality Living for ages 10 -16.

    The nine experiential sessions using deep relaxation can help you internalize all this great news and move beyond an intellectual knowing.  And that, in turn, can help you know and show this great news no matter what is going on within or around you.  That’s greater reality living.

    Living in more evolved ways is also assisted by having a support system of kindred spirits who are on the spiritual path of love, enlightenment, self-growth, and service to others.  We encourage you to expand your circle of loving, open-minded, and service-oriented people.  This is one benefit of online and local Greater Reality Living Groups.

    That life continues after bodily death has now been definitively demonstrated scientifically. I hope you will join us to learn more about the evidence behind this statement, the accompanying great news, and how to integrate this into your daily life now.

    Disclaimer: The experiential sessions and presentations are not designed to replace medical or psychological care.  Your participation in the deep relaxation sessions is voluntary and you can stop if you feel uncomfortable at any time.