On Birth, Death, and Spiritual Evolution with Nikola Ristic, Ph.D.


In this talk, Nikola will share his life-changing encounters with death in the context of human spiritual evolution. He will draw connections between NDE and other spiritual transformative experiences. Special attention will be given to the spiritual experience of ego-death or dying-before-dying. Nikola will conclude with his vision for the future of human spiritual evolution and our relationship with death within it.



Birth, Death, Spiritual Evolution with
Nikola Ristic, Ph.D.

In this talk, Nikola will share his life-changing encounters with death in the context of human spiritual evolution. He will draw connections between NDE and other spiritual transformative experiences. Special attention will be given to the spiritual experience of ego-death or dying-before-dying. Nikola will conclude with his vision for the future of human spiritual evolution and our relationship with death within it.

About Nikola

Nikola is a contemporary philosopher and spiritual teacher who, after a spiritually transformative experience as a civilian in war during which he recognized his eternal self, began his quest to awaken others and transform culture. He attained a Ph.D. in philosophy in 2004 and after an awakening at Satsang in 2011, left his academic career to offer retreats, talks, private sessions and his forthcoming book, Spirit X: Spirituality for the Global and Digital Age. Dr. Ristic assists you to recognize past patterns, shift perspectives, and create a new future.  See www.anandamali.com.