We Are Walk-In Souls


Come and participate in this complimentary event! A group of individuals who have undergone near-death or spiritually transformative experiences will be hosting a panel. They will offer insights and firsthand accounts regarding the phenomenon of walk-in souls. Discover more about soul-swapping as they share their remarkable experiences and spiritual wisdom!

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What is a walk-in soul?

Walk-in souls are souls who choose to incarnate into an established body rather than a newborn infant. Theses souls take on the personality of a life already in existence. A walk-in birthing happens when there is a contractual agreement between two souls to swap places. One soul exits from the human body and re-enters the spiritual realm. The second soul walks into the physical body and takes over the current life midstream. This transition can take place immediately, OR sometimes the souls will share the body over a period of time. This allows the soul that wishes to depart to stick around for a short while to offer the new soul an introduction or cram-session about the life it is about to take over.
Our panel will discuss different types of walk-ins and their personal experiences with this phenomena!
Danielle Sherrill:
A Message from Danielle: I AM that I AM a walk-in. My walk-in remembrance came with a Light Activation that was brought on by the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017. All memories of my ancient galactic roots, from the parallel, flooded in and I became aware of the multi-dimensional realms all around us. My energy centers opened and unlocked, leaving me with the ability to see, feel and read energy. I began communicating with Angels, nature and other Light Beings. Ever since Source Energy has guided me to stand with a strong back, open heart & speak the truth, I’ve been able to embody my most authentic self. I have found liberation through expression and for that I AM that I AM grateful. You can reach Danielle at her email: sacredlights37@gmail.com
Mike Benavee:
Mike Benavee is a noted author and entrepreneur who is passionate about helping others on their spiritual journeys. Following a life-changing car accident, Benavee dedicated himself to helping others, and has since become known for his ability to save souls and change lives. As a devoted husband and father, Benavee understands the importance of family and community, and strives to make a positive impact on those around him. His latest work, The Way of The Soul Guide: Bringing light to the soul, is a powerful testament to his spiritual insight and transformative abilities. Through his writing, Benavee inspires readers to embrace their own spiritual paths and unlock their true potential.
FB: The Soul Guide
Andena Sananda Kumara:

Andena Sananda Kumara (aka Angela Anderson) lives her truth, Soul Integrated, as an Embodied and Heart-Centered Conduit of Divine Frequency; activating, within those in resonance, a many-fold experience, sparking awareness of the Innate Truth of the Human Collective Beingness as Extension, or Fractal, of the Divine Source of ALL Creation in Manifest Physical Form. By allowing the Self to feel, at every sensory level, those in receipt of this Frequency have the opportunity to respond affirmatively to
the call to more Authentically Embody their own Unique Expression of The Divine within Human Form. To this end, Andena serves as Quantum Energy Alchemist for all that is of The Energy of Oneness, sharing wisdom on the open subjects of Freedom, Love, and Oneness as Realized by the Authentically Embodied Soul on Earth.

Through her company Oneness Works, LLC, she provides private, personal and group sessions, guiding the Journey of Self Discovery, through energetic Exploration of the Ancestral Lineage and Multidimensional Beingness, while facilitating the Transmutation of pertinent Self-Deprecating Beliefs and Patterns arising along the way.    https://linktr.ee/AndenaSanandaKumara

There is no cost to attend this event. To continue to bring you a wonderful experience, we thank you in advance for your kind donations.




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