What NDEs and Related Experiences Reveal About the Relationship Between Mind and Brain: IANDS 2022 Spring Symposium


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What NDEs and Related Experiences Reveal About the Relationship Between Mind and Brain: IANDS 2022 Spring Symposium

Is the human mind a product of the brain, or is mind essentially independent of the brain although closely associated with it during physical existence?

Several phenomena point to an answer to this question, including psi phenomena, near-death experiences, shared-death experiences, terminal lucidity, after-death communication, mediumship and past-life memories. Each of the phenomena has been extensively researched.
What if you could hear a foremost leading researcher on each phenomenon “cut to the chase” with a concise summary of what research has revealed, and hear practitioners share direct experiences that illustrate the findings from that research? That is exactly what you will be able to do at this Symposium, co-hosted and co-produced by Darren McEnaney from Seeking i.
In the first two parts, you’ll hear empirical evidence pertaining to the mind-brain question. In the third and final half day, you’ll hear from practitioners discussing their experiences pertaining to that question.