In 1975, Dr. Raymond Moody became the first scientist to note that, despite their similarities, NDEs are deeply personal and unique for every experiencer. These differences have often been attributed to the cultural and religious backgrounds of each individual. However, Moody suggests—as well as Dr. Kenneth Ring, Dr. Pim van Lommel, and Dr. Jeffrey Long, among other NDE researchers—that while the experiencer’s background can influence how they interpret their near-death journey, it does not determine the core experience.
This aligns with the experiences of children aged five and under, who exhibit the same differences and commonalities reported by adults despite not having yet learned about religion or being socially conditioned—as first evidenced by pioneer childhood NDE researchers Dr. Melvin Morse and Dr. P.M.H. Atwater.
If the individual’s background only affects the interpretation and not the experience itself, then why are NDEs perceived so differently—even before they are interpreted? Is there a hidden factor that has been overlooked? Could recent findings on the nature of reality, consciousness, and perception help us explain this? If so, might we be finally on the brink of unlocking the mystery behind the paradox of why NDEs are so different yet so alike?
To answer these questions, the Venezuelan journalist and author AJ Parr explores his “Tower of Babel Theory,” developed to explain this paradox, integrating key insights from NDE research, interdimensional perception, quantum metaphysics, non-local consciousness, and Jungian archetypes.
In 1991, AJ had a near-death-like experience in which he left his body, went to the Void, merged with an infinite Light, gained 360-degree vision, and experienced universal Oneness. Driven by a compelling desire to comprehend what had taken place, he spent the next three decades studying the common roots of world religions, during which he wrote over twenty spiritual books. So far, he has interviewed over 100 near-death experiencers on his AJ Parr Spiritual Journalist YouTube channel and written two specialized books on the subject.
AJ PARR is a professional journalist, bestselling author, and member of the Institute for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ISSC). He is presently an IANDS facilitator/moderator and the head of Grapevine Books.