These experiences are very common… you likely have many sitting in your pews who’ve had them, yet are hesitant to share. It’s important that clergy be experts in pastorally assisting the integration of the ultimate.

For 25 years, Rev. David Maginley, MDiv, CSPC, provided spiritual counselling in the cancer, palliative and intensive care units of the QEII Health Sciences Center in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Now in private practice, he is the author of Beyond Surviving: Cancer and Your Spiritual Journey.

It is important to know:
- No one will know you attended, except those in your group. Your privacy is protected.
- These meetings are never recorded.
- Trained IANDS volunteers facilitate the group to ensure a safe and welcoming environment.
These sharing groups are free to everyone!
IANDS groups rely on charitable contributions to maintain staffing and administrative support. To continue to bring you a wonderful group experience, we thank you in advance for your kind donations.