My Oh My, Multiple Minds? Which Mind am I?


My Oh My, Multiple Minds? Which Mind am I? With every split-second decision we make there is an internal battle inside the mind that most aren’t aware of. True inner peace begins with the removal of this inherent internal conflict. Come find peace from within.


My Oh My, Multiple Minds? Which Mind am I?
with Ray Catania of Spiritual Clarity Coaching

The road to true happiness is being at peace within oneself. To accomplish this in order to better ourselves, and reach new higher levels of consciousness, one must understand how the mind works specifically and the inherent flaws built within. There is a constant battle that takes place inside of you with every single thought/decision you have. This happens so quickly that unless you have been taught, you won’t even know that it is happening. How many times have you asked yourself a question like, “Why did I say that?” or “Why did I do that?” How many times do you keep making the same, wrong choice over and again? To end this, you must understand where it begins.

“There is no path to happiness, happiness is the path.” – The Buddha

About Ray:
As practitioner of Metaphysical Parapsychology, my area of expertise is the study of the fundamental nature of reality and existence, or life and death. As a spiritual coach/adviser, I help to change a person’s physical reality by working with the universal principles and powers that underlie that perceived reality, especially in the mind, psyche, or one’s consciousness.

Ray Catania is an Author, Publisher, Master Certified Life Coach, Master Usui-Reiki Instructor and Certified Meditation Instructor. He is a Ph.D.(C) in Metaphysical Parapsychology at the University of Sedona.

Learn more about Limitless Coaching at http://LimitlessCoaching.Life

Ray Catania is the author of “The Atheist and the Afterlife – an Autobiography, A true story of inspiration, transformation, and the pursuit of enlightenment.” It is the true story of his own spiritual awakening.

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Learn more about Ray’s book at http://LimitlessPublications.Com

DISCLAIMER: None of the advice/suggestions offered by Ray Catania, Limitless Publications and Limitless Life Coaching should ever be used to replace any medical advice from a medical professional or licensed clinical psychologist. All content is intended for a mature audience only and is not suitable for all viewers.