Source Creates Physical Life Partly Through Us


Several NDErs learned that we, as souls inside humans, share Source’s power of manifesting physical matter and reality because we are parts of Source. This webinar will teach you how and why you manifest the experiences you have and how to more consciously manifest something better for your human life.

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Do you ever feel like life is happening TO you? That you have no say in what happens in life? That you might even be the victim of an arbitrary process? I and other NDErs I have researched learned in the afterlife that we actually do have control over the moment-to-moment events of our human lives. Life is generated by two big engines: biology and manifesting. Source manifests the biology via the process of evolution that started with Creation. A group of Source’s Light Being mental characters interested in Earth, including all of us, manifests the overall physical environment. WE souls unconsciously create the non-biological events of our human lives moment-to-moment by manifesting into physical matter and reality what we truly and deeply believe about ourselves, the world, and our place in the world.

This webinar will detail what I learned directly from Source about the nature of the spiritual ability to create what humans understand to be physical matter and physical reality. We will also discuss how I was taught to use the same power consciously, and to correct unconscious manifesting, to create better human lives for us to experience. Topics covered will include: the manifesting formula and how to apply it; how and why we unconsciously manifest our mostly-human beliefs into physical reality; how to correct mistaken beliefs that cause us to manifest experiences we do not want; how to consciously manifest specific events and opportunities; and troubleshooting tips.

Other webinars:  Topics & Times
Important note: Please rsvp separately for each upcoming webinar by clicking on the links in the table below. You will receive an email confirmation for each session that includes your link to enter the webinar. You will receive a second email 24 hours before the webinar begins that also contains the link to join the event.

Topic Date & Time
1.   Five Stages of Eternal Life Sat. Feb. 26, 1 pm Eastern
2.   5 Purposes of Life Sat. Mar. 26, 1 pm Eastern
3.   Who Is Running Your Life? Sat. Apr. 23, 1 pm Eastern
4.   The Root of All Evil Sat. May 28, 1 pm Eastern
5.   Be Your Own Psychic Sat. Jun. 25, 1 pm Eastern
6.   The Future God Showed Me Sat. Jul. 23, 1 pm Eastern
7.   Source Creates Physical Life Partly thru Us Sat. Aug. 27, 1 pm Eastern

About Nanci:

I am a retired attorney and current spiritual author who has written 5 books so far just on the experiences I had and the information I received in the afterlife. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree with a double major in biology (anatomy & physiology) and chemistry, a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology, and a doctorate in jurisprudence. Since 1994, I have had 3 NDE-afterlife experiences, the first of which was transcendental in nature. The second and third NDE-afterlife experiences were what I call meetings with my Council, the group of Light Beings in the afterlife who are monitoring my performance of the mission I accepted at the end of my transcendental afterlife experience. I have also had 3 NDE-OOB experiences during which I got out of my body in hospitals during surgery or when very close to death. I have had what I call 2 “pop in” NDEs, where I popped into the afterlife for a particular purpose while still alive. During one I had a life review. During the other I received a huge download of information about everything that has ever been written in Earth’s history. Lastly, I was privileged to share my mother’s out-of- body adventure and death via an empathic NDE. For a number of years I was the group leader of Central Ohio IANDS, a chapter I founded. I have spoken at an IANDS Conference and various IANDS chapter group meetings over the years.

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