Bravely Connect and Channel Wisdom Through Your Spirit Guide


Bravely awaken your psychic gifts with internationally renowned psychic medium Sheila V. Discover how to confidently connect with your spirit team and transform your life.

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Confidently connect with the World of Spirit, and discover how to use guidance from your Spirit Team in your life and business.
Move past fear, confusion, and uncertainty and emerge powerfully connected to the wisdom and guidance of your spirit team.

Many people don’t think of themselves as channels or mediums, so when guidance comes through, it may be ignored or discounted as coincidence, chance, or synchronicity. Sheila believes that everyone has the ability within them with a little bravery.

Through Sheila’s teachings, you’ll awaken a connection to your spirit guides, allowing you to tap into your powers of clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. You’ll begin to learn to trust your instincts, understand your inner guidance, and use your psychic abilities to make the most of your life.

Awaken your psychic gifts + take your intuition to the next level.


Psychic medium Sheila Vijeyarasa, the founder of Empowering Intuition, has helped spiritual seekers all over the world move past fear, confusion, and uncertainty and emerge powerfully connected to the wisdom and guidance of their spirit teams.

Sheila Vijeyarasa is a powerful psychic medium and author of the international bestseller, BRAVE: Courageously Live Your Truth. She has the ability to channel passed over souls and higher dimension beings. She combines her spiritual wisdom with her skills and experience from the executive-level corporate world.

She has appeared on the Australian Television show Psychic TV and All About You, as a professional psychic medium. Sheila is also featured in the ground-breaking Nine Network Reality Show BIG MIRACLES tracking the emotionally charged journey of 10 couples trying to fall pregnant.

Sheila is an MBA qualified Executive and Transformation Coach. She cultivated her skills in Mediumship at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in London. She studied mindfulness at Esalen with, Dr Shauna Shapiro and immersed herself in the Vedic teachings in India. She studied with world renowned Psychic Medium James Van Praagh at the Omega Institute.

Sheila has had an absolute meta physical knowing that she needed to transform her own life and now dedicates herself to transforming people’s thinking around spirituality. It is time to help people discover their true purpose, and build a more fulfilling life.