Dr. Bruce Greyson speaks at Seattle IANDS Anniversary Celebration


Dr. Bruce Greyson, a co-founder of IANDS and a principal researcher of near-death experiences for over 40 years was featured at this 38th-anniversary celebration of Seattle IANDS. This is a personal story plus a portrayal of history that ultimately has reshaped perspectives on matters spiritual vs physical.

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Dr. Bruce Greyson speaks at Seattle IANDS Anniversary Celebration

Bruce Greyson, M.D., is the Chester Carlson Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia.  He co-founded the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and served for many years on the Board of Directors, as IANDS’ President, Director of Research, and for 25 years, Editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies. Bruce’s research has focused on the aftereffects of near-death experiences, and has resulted in more than 100 publications in academic medical journals. He is the co-editor of The Near-Death Experience: Problems, Prospects, Perspectives (1984) and of The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences (2009), and author of After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond (scheduled for release March, 2021).

And here is a link to  Bruce’s USA book:
