Nurture Your Soul with Kelly Sammy

On February 9, 2008 my life was forever shifted. The label “near-death experience” does not feel accurate to me, I did not have a near-death experience — I did in fact die. For 38 years prior to this experience, I lived the life of a victim and I saw everything through the lens of life happening TO me vs. FOR me. At the lowest of lows in this time of my life, I committed suicide and I was very successful in this endeavor. But it was not my time to ‘leave’ nor was I able to ‘stay’.
During my death experience, I was witness to many things and shared in many experiences that allowed me to return to my physical body with all of my senses awakened. I was told to return and share these experiences, and to help others be reminded to remember WHO they are from a soul level, and an Incarnate level. As a soul guide, I can assist and share perspective on many of these things from a clairvoyant perspective, as well as a Soul Guide perspective.