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IANDS Certified Groups and Events Facilitators

Below you can learn more about our dedicated IANDS Groups and Events Facilitators and Moderators. 

If you are interested in becoming a Sharing Groups Facilitator/Moderator, please fill out this application and we will contact you to answer any questions you may have and begin the process. 

Rev. Stephanie Chase Bradbury

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Conference Panelist and Speaker 2023
Experiencer of the Spiritually Transformative
Christian Clergy Sharing Group Leader

The Rev. Stephanie Chase Bradbury has been an Episcopal Priest for 27 years and has professionally counseled many people who’ve had NDE’s and STE’s. She herself has had a number of Spiritually Transformative Experiences beginning at age 6. Stephanie is drawn to the bright overlap between matter and spirit, and how life in this reality is intertwined with the transcendent. She feels called to act as a translator to a world that is often blind to the astonishing wonder of All That Is, and help facilitate the processing of those who have been touched by the extraordinary. Stephanie has led retreats, spoken at Boston IANDS gatherings, and been interviewed for the Leap from Within podcast. While grounded in the Christian tradition, Stephanie welcomes insight both from within organized religions and beyond. You can learn more at Grannypriest.com. Her newsletter can be found at revstephaniecbradbury.substack.com. She is also author of Jesus and the Enchanted Cosmos

Rev. Stephanie Chase Bradbury currently hosts the “Christian Clergy Sharing Group” (every 1st Monday of the month)

Reverend Catherine Chapey

IANDS Certified Facilitator
Experiencer of the Spiritually Transformative
UFO/ET Contactee

Reverend Catherine Chapey is an Ordained InterSpiritual Minister, Certified Spiritual Counselor, Spiritualist Medium, Healer, and a Trance Channel for The Council of Light. She is also a Certified Hypnotist and a Level 2 (QHHT) Hypnotist. QHHT is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, a Specific Healing Hypnosis Method created by the late Dolores Cannon whom Catherine trained directly with in 2014. Catherine is also a writer, an artist, and future author. Catherine is a Facilitator and Moderator for IANDS Sharing Groups since 2020. 

You can reach her at:  CatherineChapeyCOL@gmail.com or  UFOETExperiencers@gmail.com

Catherine has had many different types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences throughout her lifetime including OBE’s, Mystical Experiences, and Spontaneous Kundalini Awakenings where she has experienced Oneness with the Divine and connected with her Spirit Guides, Angels, and deceased loved ones in Spirit. She has had several Shared Death Experiences with loved ones, and also with her loving fur babies. She has had after-death communications from the spirit world, and experiences with Masters, Guides and Angels.

Catherine is also a UFO and ET contactee of many different types of Inter-dimensional Beings and UFOs. They have appeared to her in her consciousness, in her home, in her yard, in dreams, visions, meditations, and in this 3D physical reality. Over the past 17 years Catherine has been documenting her Spiritual and Mystical Experiences, Dreams, Visions, Synchronicities, UFO Encounters, Orb Encounters, and ET Visitations. These are creative and loving reminders, which often occur with Spiritual Experiences. These Beings of Light and Love have come through in unique, fun, creative, Loving, joy-filled and very synchronistic ways to show that “They Are Here!” These experiences have been uplifting and Loving, showing her that we are never alone and that we are always supported, guided and Loved. 

***The groups listed below are not IANDS groups.

Catherine hosts and facilitates three Zoom groups for all different types of Spiritually Transformative Experiences, on her own, independent of IANDS. These groups are held on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 pm Eastern Time. They are as follows: 

Register Below:                  

Also Subscribe Below to the YouTube Channels: 

“Safe Space Sharing” Zoom Group  (Not Recorded) – 1st Tuesday 7PM EST



“UFO ET Experiencers” Zoom Group, Speaker Q and A – 2nd Tuesday 7PM EST 



YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@UFOETExperiencers 


“Spiritual Experiencers” Zoom Group, Speaker Q and A – 4th Tuesday 7PM EST



YouTube – https://youtube.com/@SpiritualExperiencers

Dean Christensen

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Groups & Events Production Coordinator
IANDS Sharing Groups Coordinator
IANDS Conference ~ Musical Performing Artist
Childhood Experiencer
Experiencer of the Spiritually Transformative

Dean Christensen is from Gilbert, AZ. Dean describes himself as a ‘maybe’ experiencer. Dean has been a researcher of the NDE phenomenon for approximately forty years. Dean has a deep fascination toward the human experience in tandem with the spiritual, as interpreted from the universal message of the NDE. A possible NDE (at a very young age) and multiple STE’s have compelled Dean to further explore these phenomena. Likewise, Dean’s endeavors with IANDS groups and events, is a result of his passion to enable others to share their experiences with others and the world.

As a musician and lover of music, Dean believes we can “tap into” various spiritual energies via the musical experience. Dean performs his music locally in the Phoenix Arizona area. Though contemporary in nature, many of Dean’s original songs have subtle spiritual concepts sewn into the lyrics.

Loreli Drache

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Social Media Coordinator
IANDS Conference Panelist 2023
IANDS Central Missouri Group Leader

Multiple Near-Death Experiencer


Loreli has had four near-death experiences, many spiritually transformative experiences and paranormal-mystical experiences. She practices as a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher, Quantum Shamanic Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Mentor, NDE Reintegration Guide and Inspirational Speaker. She is medically trained as a Medical Assistant and held many roles and certifications within the medical field. She enjoys connecting and guiding others to remembrance through her healing practice and teaching spiritual seekers about collective consciousness and the mystic path. Loreli created Spirit Sight, an expanding consciousness community. Spirit Sight hosts weekly healing, social and sharing circles and a monthly fellowship event called Celebration of Consciousness.


Connect: @ https://calendly.com/lorelidrache


Website @ http://www.lorelidrache.com


YouTube Channel @ https://www.youtube.com/@spiritinsightwithlorelidrache 

Daniel Endy

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Board Member 2019, 2021-present
IANDS Conference Technology Coordinator
IANDS Local Group Leader
Open Spirituality Discussion Group Leader
Interfaith Clergy Group Facilitator

Hypnotherapist and Past Life Regression Therapist

Daniel has been on the spiritual path as a seeker since he was a child. After 40 years of study, in 2010, he found a key missing piece and everything fell into place for him. Daniel graduated from being a seeker to sharing his understanding of spiritual principles. Since then he has led over 120 classes, hosted a dozen interviews, and assisted 1000s of people with many different healing modalities. Daniel is a certified hypnotherapist and regression therapist. 

Daniel has a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Boston University. Daniel and his wife, Elyse, now live in the Charlotte area of the Carolinas near their sons’ families and their two grandchildren. Daniel is a member of the Board of Directors of IANDS. His coaching and hypnosis business is called Soul-Full Growth

Mary Grace


Mary Grace is a Spiritual Counselor, Parapsychologist, and founder of Gifts of Grace Ministry, a non-profit, non-denominational organization.  She provides counseling and educational workshops on paranormal, supernatural, mystical, and near-death phenomena and experiences.  She is also the founder and co-leader of the Finger Lakes UFO Meetup in Western, New York.

Mary Grace holds a B.A. in psychology and sociology from the State University of New York at Geneseo where she also studied parapsychology. She is a retired mental health professional and a certified student medium from Plymouth Spiritual Church in Rochester, NY, and from Lily Dale, NY. 

Mary Grace is the author of the blessed-selling book, Talking to God & Grandma, Mystics, Mediums, and The Communion of Saints. She is a member of the Parapsychological Association, the International Association of Near- Death Studies, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the Mutual UFO Network, and the Rochester and Buffalo, New York UFO Organizations.

Mary Grace conducts spiritual workshops and lectures nationally. She lives on a six-thousand, six-hundred-acre state forest in Hemlock, which is located in the beautiful Finger Lakes area of Western, NY.   She shares a home with her husband, Bob, and their three black cats, Mimi, Willy, and Smokey.


Cliff Green

IANDS Certified Facilitator

At four years old, I drowned in a pool and was saved by my father, a seaman. Forty years later, I still live with its effects, which have shaped my understanding of life after death.

I’m grateful for Dr. Hans Zingmark and his wife Katarina, whose research led me to Bruce Greyson and IANDS. I now serve on the board of IANDS Denmark, whose support—along with Bob Coppes’ collaboration—helped me establish IANDS Sweden. Meeting experiencers across Europe and the USA has been an incredible honor.

Bruce Greyson’s book After shifted my perspective, focusing on aftereffects rather than proving the experience. None of this would have been possible without Hans Zingmark’s support. I am deeply thankful for all who contribute to NDE research and awareness.

Betty Guadagno

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Events Coordinator
IANDS Conference Panelist and Speaker 2022, 2023, 2024
IANDS Explore the Extraordinary Podcast Host
Near-Death Experiencer

Betty Guadagno had a spiritually transformative experience in March of 2019. Betty underwent a 180-degree transformation from drug addicted, sex worker, and radical atheist to a devout believer, in long term recovery, working as a recovery coach. During her integration process, she felt an incredible pull towards establishing spiritual community in her life. She has been connected to the IANDS community since December of 2020. Betty began her involvement with IANDS as an attendee of our sharing groups. She quickly got involved with service to the community by volunteering as a facilitator and moderator. An absolutely integral part of our community, Betty inspires our team while serving as our Event Coordinator and podcast host.

Connect: https://calendly.com/buddhabetty

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@buddhabetty

Angela Harris

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Director of Groups and Events
IANDS Board Member
Near-Death Experiencer
Childhood Experiencer
Out-of-Body Experiencer
Shared Death Experiencer
After-Death Communication Experiencer

Serving the IANDS community in many capacities is a passion project for Angela. IANDS was the first resource that she found after her experience, and it answered many questions while also providing a safe community for her to learn about all things spiritually transformative. This community has guided her to find self-compassion and understanding that has led her integration of her experience. Angela is honored to help provide the same safe space for you.

Susan Hebard

IANDS Certified Facilitator
Greater Boston IANDS Group Leader
Near-Death Experiencer

Susan is a near-death experiencer and a long-time, dedicated volunteer. She runs the Greater Boston local group, and she also serves the IANDS community by initiating groups and contributing in many other ways.

Jeanette B Hedström

IANDS Certified Facilitator
Sweden IANDS Group Leader
Near-Death Experiencer
Experiencer of the Spiritually Transformative

Jeanette B Hedström is the passionate healer, coach, and creative force behind the book Healingdoll. Based in Sweden, she blends her extensive knowledge of self-healing and personal transformation with a deep connection to the elements. At the age of 22, Jeanette had a Near Death Experience during a significant car crash.

With 22 years of entrepreneurial experience, Jeanette now operates a creative healing center nestled in the heart of the Swedish forest, south of Gothenburg. As a Firewalk Master and certified instructor, she leads transformative experiences that cultivate courage and resilience. For over 7 years, Jeanette has facilitated retreats, online programs, and community initiatives, fostering a supportive environment for growth and healing.

ebsite: www.Healingdoll.com, www.sjusjoar.se

Instagram: @Healingdoll

Debra Kaiser

IANDS Certified Facilitator
Experiencer of the Spiritually Transformative
Childhood Experiencer
Topic Groups Coordinator
ACIM Teacher

Debra has had many spiritually transformative experiences across her lifetime and continues to have experiences to this day. She is a vital part of the IANDS community. She serves in many roles including organizing, initiating, and moderating our special topic groups.

Keyaunoosh Kassauei

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Conference Speaker 2023
Near-Death Experiencer
Out-of-Body Experiencer
Shared Death Experiencer

Dr. Keyaunoosh Kassauei is an international medical graduate with a post-doctoral research fellowship at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, School of Medicine. She has several publications in prominent journals of medicine, including Nature. Dr. Kassauei is the Founder/CEO and Creative Director of “My Conscious Coaching Group” which serves our healthcare and education community with a mission to heal and care for the Whole-Self and a vision to raise self and global awareness for a conscious mind through education and application of EQ/SQ (Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual/Deep intelligence). She is the co-author of the International Best Seller, “Beautiful Scars” and a Radio/Podcast speaker. She is currently a Fellow at IOC (Institute of Coaching) at Harvard Medical School/McLean Hospital and also serves on the IOC board of the Race, Equity, and Inclusion Council (REI). She is a member of ICF, and ICF Foundation (International Coach Federation) and a Physician and leadership coach with expertise and certification in emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. Keyaunoosh is an NDE, OBE and SDE experiencer.

IANDS Conference Panelist 2021
IANDS Conference Moderator 2022
IANDS Speaker 2023
IANDS Washington, DC Healthcare Group Leader
IANDS Healthcare Professionals Sharing Group Founder and Facilitator

Silvia Guersenzvaig

IANDS Certified Facilitator 
IANDS Conference, panelist and speaker 2015-2016
Shared Death Experiencer
After-Death Communication Experiencer

From the time of birth, which she remembers vividly, Silvia knew she came here to remember and help others re-member themselves. Her first encounter with “the something else” happened before her mother died, when a being of blue shimmering light appeared at the feet of her bed when she was 5 years old. She knew later on that this was a celestial guide preparing her for her mom’s prompt departure.

Silvia had several encounters with friends and family members as they were crossing, letting her know of the journey of Soul on the way home. Silvia became involved with IANDS in 2015 after the departure of her son Josh, with whom she experienced a shared NDE, an experience, she says happened on many sensory levels including telepathy with higher vision states, body sensations, light, sound, and a super heightened experience of what divine love feels like. Since then, she had continuous ADC’s (after death communications) with her son and doesn’t fear death any longer.

Silvia is committed to support people, helping them find heart, joy and meaning in their lives. Her special focus is helping others with PTSD and assist those who lost their loved ones. She counsels nationally and internationally. www.transformforjoy.com

Esalen Institute Faculty since 1998.
Astrologer since 1975- Transformational Kinesiology
Practitioner and International Teacher from Polaris School, Denmark. Developer of AstroSoma (somatic astrology).
Spiritual Coach.

Cheryl Hansen

IANDS Certified Facilitator
Childhood Experiencer
Childhood Experiencer Sharing Group Leader
Friends of IANDS Northern Virginia Groups Leader, 2002-2012

Cheryl had a near-death experience during a medical emergency in 1961, a month before she turned 3 1/2 years old; since then, she has had numerous NDE-related and spiritually transformative experiences. Knowing how hard it is to process such experiences alone, she has long been involved in helping other people process their NDEs, STEs, after-death communications (ADCs), and nearing-death awareness as an IANDS and hospice volunteer as well as a friend. Driven to learn all she can by her original NDE, Cheryl has also studied mathematics, computational and complexity science, various social science fields, and curriculum development and instruction in several undergraduate and graduate programs. She is from a large extended family and is the mother of three grown children, a grandmother to six children, and the long-time wife of her best friend.

Elke Siller Macartney

IANDS Certified Facilitator
Shared Death Experiencer
After-Death Communication Experiencer
Grief Experiencer
As an aura seer (aka subtle energy fields),  Elke has traveled between the world of spirit and matter her entire life. She uses her gift in her private practice as a counselor, energy healer and teacher.
Having been married to a near death experiencer for 35 years (Jim Macartney is now a death-experiencer), and as the daughter of an NDEr, she has studied NDEs for 40 years in order to better guide them and Spiritual Transformation Experiencers on their path of integration and healing. She’s presented at IANDS conferences and local chapters, and loves facilitating IANDs sharing groups. 

Elke is blessed to live in beautiful northwest Washington state, where she is in the forest every day.

Nature heals, nourishes and guides her every moment. For info : https://www.elkespage.com/ or contact her at Elke@Elkespage.co

Gregory Massey

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Groups & Events Customer Support Specialist
Childhood Experiencer
Spiritually Transformative Experiencer
NDE and Spirituality researcher

Gregory Massey, from San Diego, CA, believes he likely experienced a near-death event at the young age of two and a half when he nearly drowned but was saved by his older brother. Since then, he has had multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences and has devoted decades to studying NDEs and spirituality. Gregory graduated with Dean’s Honors from UC Santa Cruz, where he studied Literature, Christian Origins, and Philosophy. From a young age, he has held a profound “knowing” that he existed before his physical birth, that life and consciousness fill the cosmos, and that consciousness continues beyond physical death.

Gregory enjoys creating delicious, healthy plant-based meals for friends, as well as making music, painting, writing, and comedy. His other interests include astronomy, animal welfare, and exploring the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Gregory also assist IANDS as a group facilitator and moderator, as well as hosting webinars, and assisting with video editing.

Liz Miller

IANDS Certified Facilitator
Near Death Experiencer
Experiencer of the Spiritually Transformative

Liz has been opened by spiritual experiences since childhood. She had a Near Death Experience in 2002 which profoundly affected and altered her life. What was revealed became the crux and the pivotal point around which her life has revolved. The learnings, openings and realizations have continued to inform and transform her life, and the unfolding of life itself continues to be a spiritual unfolding with ongoing spiritually transformative experiences.

Liz feels committed and devoted to holding safe, trustworthy, and sacred spaces for the soul. She holds degrees in Psychology, Studies in Religion, and Education, and is interested in the intersection of depth psychology and spirituality, and to both the healing and awakening of consciousness. She is a yoga teacher, with a love for restorative practices, and an emphasis on applied polyvagal theory and trauma sensitive approaches.

Liz provides spiritual companioning in self-inquiry, both privately, and as a volunteer through a Prison Project, along with yoga, meditation, restoration and contemplation circles, and series.

She loves to paint as a spiritual expression of the ineffable, loves a good cup of tea, is often found barefoot looking at the trees or sky, and sometimes tinkles with the harp. She is deeply grateful for the community of IANDS and honored to support these sharing groups.

For more information see – http://nourishedsoul.space

Yumi Nakauchi

IANDS Certified Facilitator

From the time Yumi was a child, she was always curious about the non-physical world. Being born and raised in Japan, it felt natural for her to believe in life after physical death. However, it wasn’t a common topic of conversation. Yet, paranormal phenomena always fascinated her.

Yumi also curiously searched decades of correlation between wellness and one’s mindset. Her search led her to Anita Moorjani’s book, which described a profound experience. Through that, Yumi discovered IANDS. She was thrilled that its Sharing Groups welcomed non-experiencers so she joined instantly. Yumi enjoyed the groups so much that she began volunteering after two years of regular participation.

Yumi is deeply grateful to those who share their experiences and stories. They reinforce her trust that she is part of something greater, helping her face any situation. Yumi says that she is also learning to be compassionate and accepting of herself through this volunteering work. She continues gaining so much from the groups and is thankful to IANDS and everyone participating in the events!

Andrew Oxman

IANDS Certified Facilitator
Experiencer of the Spiritually Transformative
After-Death Communication Experiencer
Angel Experiencer

Andrew Oxman is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with 28 years of experience. He earned his Master of Education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and has been a dedicated spiritual seeker since his college days. His interest in near-death experiences was sparked by reading Life After Life by Raymond Moody, leading him to explore numerous other books on NDEs. In 2008, he felt a calling to study Angels, a passion that has inspired his ongoing research. He is grateful to serve IANDS, helping to create a safe and supportive community for individuals to share all types of spiritual experiences.

Diane L. Ross, M.A., C.Ht

IANDS Certified Facilitator
Experiencer of the Spiritually Transformative
IG&E Facilitator/Moderator Training Coordinator

Diane has been facilitating spiritually transformative experiences for more than 24 years, both with individuals and groups. She is a sought-after speaker and delights in connecting people with their Higher Self, or Soul Self. She is a certified hypnotist, a practitioner of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and a teacher of A Course in Miracles.

Diane taught at high schools in California and Oregon. She has served as editor and reporter for two different newspapers in Arkansas. She is the author of Meditations for Miracles and Five Steps to Freedom, both available on Amazon.

Website at: www.dianeross.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCc15abj65gxZVuIUzptmWnA

Bethany Silver

IANDS Certified Facilitator

Bethany B. Silver, Ph.D. has been an educator for 30+ years. She began her teaching career as a psychology instructor at Manchester Community College. At UConn’s Neag School of Education she served as the Director of the Professional Development Academy and Assistant Professor of Educational Technology. Dr. Silver has taught courses in research methods, evaluation, assessment, and learning. She has engaged her research skills with neurology patients at Hartford Hospital, Bloomfield Public Schools, and the Hartford Public Schools. Dr. Silver has always been interested in NDEs. Her work in post-NDE-Integration has been inspired and informed by Jim Bruton and Diana Marquez-Lyons.

Greg Thompson

IIANDS Certified Facilitator

Multiple Near-Death Experiencer

Greg Thompson is a retired software engineer who lives with spirits on a daily basis. They help him through rough times and rejoice with him when life is good. It’s difficult to grow up in these surroundings when others don’t understand. Greg has had more than one near death experience. At one point, due to serious illness, Greg was on “death watch” for many days until he was healed by spirits. The medical staff was surprised.

The most traumatic part in his life was living with 9/11 for the thirty years before it happened and it nearly destroyed him when it did. After that, Greg’s life changed. At that time, his spirit guides and friends instructed him to “Write the book”. It took eighteen years of soul searching, but it turned out to be wonderful therapy, which in turn, is helping others who’ve had similar experiences but aren’t sure if they were real or not. The book is titled “Living with My Spirit Guides”.



Venus-Val Tower

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Conference Panelist and Speaker 2023

Venus-Val Tower is a retired U.S. Army soldier, trained as a Combat EMT, Laboratory Technician, and Paralegal. Her near-death experience (NDE) expanded her consciousness and fueled her desire to support others on the battlefield. During her service, she had a spiritual transformative experience (STE) when her barracks were hit by a Scud missile. This experience inspired her to become a national lobbyist, advocating for veterans’ post-deployment illnesses in Washington, D.C.

After the passing of her husband, she became aware of psychic events in her life, including shared death experiences (SDE). Currently, she feels called to work as an End-of-Life Death Doula in the Department of Veterans Affairs Hospice Community.

Today, she openly shares her NDE and after-death experiences (ADE). You can reach her at: tower369@hotmail.com.



Leena Zafary

IANDS Certified Facilitator
IANDS Conference Speaker 2022, 2023
Las Vegas IANDS Local Group Leader
Near-Death Experiencer
Experiencer of the Spiritually Transformative


IANDS Las Vegas

A decade ago, I lay in an ICU, battling for my life. In the aftermath of a near-death experience (NDE) came an instant, miraculous healing. The journey to comprehend and weave these life-altering moments into my existence spanned almost a decade. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon IANDS that I realized I was not alone. Within this compassionate community, I not only found understanding but also acquired the language to articulate my experiences. Now, as the founder of IANDS of Las Vegas, my purpose is to passionately hold space for those wrestling with the profound aftermath of such transformative encounters.